I don't believe the Compendium has any features that are "good", that DDOWiki doesn't already have. I think the comment system on the Compendium is a mistake, and would be an even bigger one on DDOWiki.
It may be a bit easier, but that's not worth the drawbacks. It's really not that hard to edit a Wiki. And encouraging people to do so, instead of forming a jumble of comments at the bottom, is a good thing.In this case the comment possibility from the Compendium and the amount of knowledge lying in DDOWiki. I have added knowlegde to a few ddowikis and will continue to do so. But my point is - instead of having to edit a fully nice layout site everytime you have some input - it would be alot easier to have a comment system.
Do you have vastly more difficulty clicking links than I do for some reason? The flagging info is one click away. The boots info is one click away from that. Both are clearly marked. Hyperlinks are good things. They keep the info well-organized, instead of having one huge article.Having both in one and same article saves everybody time and is easier for everybody.
The point is, if you, or anyone else, wants to comment on a DDOWiki article, just edit it instead (or use the Discussion page). Adding a comment section is not necessary. Any info that could be added as a comment could be more usefully added as a part of the article.