Well i still want a Chaosblade Scroll
They just devalued by N (where ''N'' is a large number)
So if you have one and want a couple of Reds for it before they become absolutely worthless look me up
Well i still want a Chaosblade Scroll
They just devalued by N (where ''N'' is a large number)
So if you have one and want a couple of Reds for it before they become absolutely worthless look me up
Oh come on Viz you know me well enough by now. I'm not exactly Mr serious. You will have to begrudge me a little poetic license.
Anyhow i reckon 2 reds is a pretty fair offer. Under the circumstances
And from 20 Reds + to in ur estimation 1LDs is such an enormous drop that ''absolutely worthless'' isnt that unreasonable a comment
Ive been waiting nearly two flipping years to make the second one so a few more weeks wont hurt me i suppose
There is still competition between players that want to craft an epic chaosblade right now. Update 12 is not ready yet, and it could still take over a month to arrive. I bet these players are willing to pay 5 FRDS to have the item right now. There's also some people that are not well informed, and a chaosblade scroll can potentially be sold at the original price to them. In this case I think you are better off keeping the scroll for yourself.
Now that is class lol
My reply to ur post Forzah has slotted in before your post.
Not sure how they managed that
Whats the new weapon that will replace it?
Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).
No idea. The E Chaosblade has been pretty badly nerfed whilst ive been trying to make the second one.
Especially as it can take literally years to make 2 and you could have made 2 Epic Scimmies which are almost as good (better Vs Portals) in 24 hours
I feel for a Weapon of this rarity and power it should never have lost it's Vorpal ability as originally written
Last edited by krackythehoodedone; 10-20-2011 at 11:28 AM.
Oh really? That really blows for something thats so difficult to make...
Its not like the vorpal property was that powerful against epic mobs anyway.
Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).
Err to be honest i never put all my efforts into making them Epic it was a side show which happened as a result of trying to make the E Thorn.
Its a pain only one is Epic so i want to finish the set off
But Fallout i think you know all about E Chaosblades dont you have two on one of your Toons ?
But yes the Weapon is probably underpowered now and needs a little love
I think a Vorpal rethink is on the cards with some sort of sliding scale. I'm hoping the E Chaos will be top of the tree
I've a scroll, 2 shards and 1 seal. But haven't crafted it yet because going to TR the character. Did you see the main forum? I guess next update can trade in sands scrolls to get the sand scroll you want. For those who paid for the maralith scroll... ouch. I guess chaos blade scrolls will be easy to get after next update.
Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).
I'm so glad I have HUNDREDS of junk desert scrolls, lol.
Boldrin//Grandmaster Flash//Cartaras
Plucky // Whipping //Malachus
Juxta//Pigsticker//Stealyour// Internet
Proud member of Loreseekers
Yes Fallout
This thread is a result of me reading the main forums
I am trying to get a Chaosblade Scroll and i will pay a few Reds for it
So i'm hoping someone will trade with me whilst their is still some value (albeit greatly reduced)