Yay, we get new stuff with patches... to bad they forgot all about QA (Let me spell it out for you, Quality Assurance).
Latest patchnotes say Hirelings would get smarter, clerics would not attack at random, not running away.
First thing I notice is.... Its running away, attacking at random, preferably a boss, so it dies in a half second.
Did the coders at at Turbine miss some code (and don't forget the QA), like:
And if the hirelings being idiots isn't enough, the server is lagging so bad at times that when I try to walk/run, I take about one step per 2 seconds.
Hell, I opened a chest in a quest, it took it 10 seconds to show the contents.
Fights in quests, its a joke, its a buttonmash game that runs at 0.003 FPS and you will find out in a few seconds if you survived or your whole party wiped.
If this is related to servers being overpopulated due the Europe merge, beef up the server or BRING US SOME SERVERS TO EUROPE.
I'm paying to play the game. I am however, NOT paying for a goddamn slideshow.
Yes, I know it is just a game. But what ****es me most is not that there are "some" flaws. It is the fact that I'm paying for something that isn't working and not thoroughly tested. Again, QA ring a bell?