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  1. #1
    Community Member Justpixels's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Orien is unplayable

    Right, Ive lost the count on the posts Ive done about this issue.

    Theres always been SOME lag, and yes that is expected.
    But now the game is unplayable...slideshow bob is in action and it is NOT enjoyable.
    Servers are overflowing with population or its just pure JUNK!

    Solve the issue now! This aint any request anymore, it's beyond that.
    I cannot find any answer to the following question:

    Q: Should I pay for VIP on an server that lags that much you cannot play?
    A: ....

    If you have experienced the lag, please fill in the thread.

  2. #2
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    I just had to bail on the Depths series for the same reason. And this is a Wednesday night for God's sake. There can't be that many players on right now. Please fix things, Turbine. It is getting unbearable.

  3. #3
    Community Member ~jradnut's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Never seen it this unplayable, EVER. Huge fail, gonna watch a movie.

  4. #4
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    Some of us are paying customers, but i have noticed that there are players who arent getting what they are paying for.
    Which is: Playable servers!

    Its hard to play, or even enjoy the game when this lag keeps going on and on all the time.
    It have been reported multiple times, yet nothing have been done to sort it out.

    And the lag isnt the only thing.

    Take the hirelings for example...
    You said you should make them better, THEY ARE WAY WORSE!

    Some players wants to play solo, which means they will most likely need a hireling to make it through the quests.
    But whats the point of having hirelings when they run across the whole map to attack some enemy that havent even attacked you, WHEN THEY ARE PUT AS DEFENSIVE!

    And to those who jumps in here just to tell us to check our computers, ISP etc...
    My connection is just fine, im playing other online-games just fine without any lag.
    Nothing is setup the wrong way on my router either.
    I know that, because im a computer technician, so i know how to troubleshoot these things.

  5. #5
    Community Member Justpixels's Avatar
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  6. #6
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    +1 on thread

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justpixels View Post
    Servers are overflowing with population or its just pure JUNK!
    No i dont think the servers have that high population number(atleast on orien), its just pure junk lol.

  8. #8
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    The only dragon instance I was able to get into last night wiped because of the lag. Every altar covered, every lever covered. Everyone communicating in either general or party chat. Didn't matter. It's hard to describe how bad the lag was, "stop-motion animation" comes close, but when there's a 30 second delay between the time when you cast a blade barrier or cometfall and the time it actually appears, even that term isn't quite sufficient.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  9. #9
    Community Member Edyit76's Avatar
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    lag is terrible absolutely terrible. i know its not just me either cause when you're in a party and everyone starts yelling lag it can only be server side issues. this is complete and utter BS. upgrade your servers or start losing customers.
    Beer is proof that god loves me, and wants me to be happy.

  10. #10
    Community Member ~SyZoRe's Avatar
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    the lag that we feel in the past few weeks is probably the worst lag i felt in my entire gaming life,
    and its good ur adding new content and fun raids and stuff, but how does the new content helps if you CANT play it due to lag?
    ~ P h o e n i x - K n i g h t s ~
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  11. #11
    Community Member Cam_Neely's Avatar
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    a great event would be no event, and devs and $$$ being spent to fix the lag. I did not play maybar, but the majory of other places I went in the game were really bad.

    The main topic in guild chat last night was when the Starwars MMO was coming out (Dec 22nd), and if the guild should switch.

    Sad state
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Hate me if you want, as of right now I'm not letting anyone crack open the build for this. Nope no way. Nada. I need developers working on the expansion pack, and that only. Again, hate me all you want, but creating a whole new realm takes priority over a broken bag. This is pretty much true of a few of the other issues that crept in today also.

  12. #12
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    It is unplayable. I gave up and will not return till the event is over.

  13. #13
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    Thumbs down

    I'm not entirely convinced that it is the events themselves that cause the lag.
    Me and my friends were having lag issues before all the **** came online, granted not as bad, but still.

    Like I said in another thread I started, I'm paying for the gameplay, not a friggin slideshow. For that I can hit google images and search for DDO.

    So, Turbine or whoever codes the game behinds the curtains, do not do a Microsoft.
    Ditch the new content development and put some hours on fixing EXISTING PROBLEMS.
    Like someone said before, there is no point in new content when the content is utter **** (Not his words exactly).

  14. #14
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    Default Yes.

    You are correct, there were pretty severe server lag problems before the events. But the events take it from very painful to intolerable.

  15. #15
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    Default Another Lag Post

    Unworkable Lag, Orien, Maybar Event, Spectral Dragon Chamber, 22:40 (ish) GMT 20/10/2011.

    30-60 second delay on chat, let alone the slide show gameplay. Ethereal Key wasted in the process, not mentioning the repair bill from somehow being smacked to death by Gargoyles - they seem to have less lag issues, perhaps you can introduce them as a race? =/

  16. #16
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    I have no idea if this will help at all., but here is my personal take on last night, 10/20/2011, Between 9:00PM and 11:PM EST.

    From what I have seen Lag is not coherent or constant. While running though Orchard of the Macabre (Doing Rares/Slayers), I noticed that I was moving pretty well, able to see the mobs and fight with ease, my wife was delaying no less then 10 - 15 seconds behind me. At some points she would even come to a complete stop in visuals as to what was going on, (IE: Neither I or the Mobs were moving on her screen), an example of this was at the Carcass Eater Mound.

    Her screen nothing was changing, no one was moving (I was running in place on her screen), yet, I saw her on my screen moving around. swinging her sword, and still interacting, even if she could not tell what she was actually doing, it was a rather surreal effect for her to look at my screen and see her toon paralyze and even vorpal mobs while on her screen she was just standing in place swinging her sword.

    I will also note, that even while she could not move well, she was able to still chat in real time with not only myself, but others.

    Now after a bit of Slayers/Rares, she opted to re-log which seemed to clear up quite a bit of her lag, and we opted to try Fleshmakers. Through most of the run lag was not an issue at all, and we easily breezed to the Air Elemental room, whereupon we both got hit a mighty blow of lag. Watching the chat channels we saw that the dragon was spawning during this point, and after a bit of not being being able to move at all, we finally jumped down to the lower floor and waited for the Dragon to be done in hopes that would clear up the lag for us. And, our plan paid off, as it did.

    We then quickly ran about, did the runes, mosh pit, and called it a night.

    Now, I am not sure if this helps at all, but, the lag is not universal to all players overall, or in general.

    I noticed personally that the lag got really bad in house J, as I walked over to Mabar Event, and zoneing took roughly twice as long as typical.

    However, Earlier in the evening, I ran a few Raids, and Lag came in small batches and packets, like irregular waves which seemed to affect the while group uniformly.

    Again, Not sure if any of this helps. but, I will say, of my own humble opinion I think the Lag issue is getting progressively worse as time has been going on. Mabar last year was fun, easy, and only slightly laggy in the Zone itself, and did not seem to bleed into the other parts of the game (Again, just my observations).

    Sadly, I will say, had the lag been this bad when I first opted to try this game out, that would have been a very short demo, I, like others who have been around, am willing to deal with it, because I have played this game for a while, got hooked on it, and want to keep enjoying it, But, we all know that while new content may keep older players, working smooth content is what brings in and keeps new players.

    As others have suggested, after U12, I hope that funds get diverted to fixing the lag issues, while keeping with the great events and wonderful dynamic of the game. The events are awesome, and fun, and we do enjoy them! Thank you for them.

    But, this lag has stolen much of the fun of the game.

    I know the events are not to blame, as they were run last year without a hitch, or this much of an issue. This is a progressive issue that has been getting worse and worse as time as gone on.

    Anyway. That is my bit. Hope some of this helps.

  17. #17
    Community Member PestWulf's Avatar
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    Between 9pm and 11pm EST on Argo, I had pretty much no lag at all inside of the Mabar event.

    However, When I recalled out to get to a bank, I was ...*freezing*...up now and then. Things would pause for a second then skip ahead.

    Once I got back into Deleras, I had no issues at all until I went into the dragon chamber. Then with the acid fogs, blade barriers, firewalls, disco balls...I would press buttons and the effect would go off up to 5 to 15 seconds later.

  18. #18
    Community Member Demeron's Avatar
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    Default The lag and me

    So every week that lag gets more terrible. Events are nice, new Quest Raids and areas are nice but what the F*** wil be done to fix the lag? I play now over 3 yeahrs and this time i am not going to renew my sub. Why? very simpel why pay for something that i can not use? I did play almost every day and now i go back to watch tv insted no fun any more. And please Turbine get in your Head it is neither my mashine nor my connection.....

    Really cant wait NWN online get started.....................
    Leader of The Cheeky People on Cannith
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  19. #19
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    During Crystal Cove or Mabar event purple named Lag Monster visited Orien world.

    At first, it was some *small* lag issues, when healing spells didn't land and we got wiped in Raids.
    But later, we got real lag blows when you couldn't even hit any monster, nor you could move. Even your death was lagged (I was still pulling lever in SoS/ice section having -20 hp, for like 2 min).

    Please, fix it.

    Btw, why there is ALWAYS orange named Lag Monster in Shroud part 1 (and part 2), when you go to chests?
    He is always there, at least 3 months for sure.
    Because of that little monster everyone blamed Shroud if we get any lag somewhere (until Purple named monster arrived).
    Last edited by TheRobai; 10-22-2011 at 01:06 PM.
    Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    This is the most perfect suggestion in the history of suggestions, and it is full of upsides for both players and servers.

  20. #20
    Community Member rjbutchko's Avatar
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    Default Its not just Orien

    Had a similar problem on Argo. Heavy lag in Mabar. I had to restart my client and when I came back I was in Meridia and my inventory was a bit light. I lost a cloak of night and >4k Motes. Of course when I put in a ticket the GM told me that if there is a server issue and I lost inventory I had no recourse.

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