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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Should I change my stats?

    Currently my wizard is now level 9 PM, max int i could put into a drow when created(20), 12 constitution, 12 dex (dunno why i put that there), and 14 strength. I have just under 800 SP so I cant do constant dps with just spells alone. That is why I made it with strength so I could melee when I am low on SP. Has worked well from 1-6 but I have a thought in the back of my head saying I should Reincarnate and change my specs. I know Int is the main stat and Constitution is very important, so I was thinking of maxing int and con.

    Now that I have my skeletons I can use them for damage, slow though it may be, death aura for healing them and me.

    Should I do this? Boost my HP, give up melee all together and just sit back and wand things to death?

  2. #2
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Short answer:


    Long answer..... you have me a bit confused. Your point totals don't add up. 16 points for max int, plus 6 points for a 12 con (due to -2 for Drow) plus 6 points for a 14 str and 2 points for a 12 dex (again, drow). That adds up to 30. Are you a TR?

    On my wiz (32 point WF) I went with the basic: max int, max con, all lvl ups in int. I would recommend that for any wizard, its worked fine. (For a 28 pointer, I'd recommend max in int, 10 points in Con, and 2 points in str or cha) With the super low str, I do make sure to wear a str item to minimize the problems of str drain spells, but other than that, I've had no issues.

    HPs are huge. The difference between taking a big beating and jumping away to kite while healing and being killed is rather large. Resetting your stats is a bonus of 40 HPs, which is a pretty big jump. Next time you die, see what your HPs are at. Odds are, they are higher than -40. If so, you may have had time to save yourself with those extra 40 HPs.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    I always favor putting as much as you can into int, remaining points into con.
    Since level 6 you get pale master sla, dealing 1d6 damage/lvl at cost of 2HP.
    With zombie and death aura that is free.
    Also you can add to DPS with wands and buffs for melees.
    Many people recommend getting master touch and melee weapon for low level, but at low level str is not crutial to deal high damage, as mobs are squishy anyway.
    Best way to deal with low mana is to get fire wall or ice storm, gather mobs (run couple of rooms until you got green or yellow alert), cast one of those spells and web.
    Mobs burn (or freeze) entangled in web.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  4. #4
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    my main issue was at level 8 i had 65 hp when not in zombie shroud. at level 9 i took a toughness and 2 racial toughness enhancements. now at 101 HP. a nice jump but if I change my stats i'll gain 18 more HP from the increased constitution, plus i am thinking i'll remove the mental toughness/imp from my list for 2 more toughness feats with is alot more.

  5. #5
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kohmi View Post
    my main issue was at level 8 i had 65 hp when not in zombie shroud. at level 9 i took a toughness and 2 racial toughness enhancements. now at 101 HP. a nice jump but if I change my stats i'll gain 18 more HP from the increased constitution, plus i am thinking i'll remove the mental toughness/imp from my list for 2 more toughness feats with is alot more.
    More than 1 toughness is not needed, especially that wizard (even with bonus feats) are kinda feat starved.
    Mental toughness (especially improved) is very bad choise, as mana gained is 1 or 2 spells at max, and it is usually taken only when nessesary for pre (archmage/PM's wraith).
    Do you have empower or maximize? Despite of added SP cost, these actually helps you to conserve mana, as mobs die faster and less spells needs to be used.
    Extra HP can be found at items, same as extra mana.
    After buffing, 99,9% players swap out their mana item, for something useful.
    Get damage clickies, they boost your spells' damage by 75%.
    Find items with appropriate lores, more powerful criticals means mobs die faster, which means less mana is used.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  6. #6
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    Even if you decide to reincarnate, you'll only be able to get Int-20 Con-14 on a 28-points drow character. Meaning only 2 more Con than you have now.

    You chose to be a Drow, probably to get the bonus Int or for role-playing reasons, and so your weakness is having a lower Con. You'll never have as much hp as the dwarf/warforged wizards out there, and you'll have to live with that. But you can offset this by always having top hp items for your level (False Life / Dusk Heart), and can also cast Bear's Endurance till get yourself a +4 Con item. Don't need to get Toughness multiple times.

    It's nice to have good Str on a wizard to be able to Bull's Strength yourself and save some sp when you know it won't last till next shrine. But after lvl 12 (if you keep going PM) you'll have two free SLA's with 3 secs cooldown each, this way you can save sp but just using them most of the time.

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