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  1. #1
    Community Member Solarette's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Level 10 artificer looking for a home (Sarlona)

    All of the other guilds I've been in have either had no one online, low level, or were not very friendly. I'm trying to find a guild that is friendly, active, and high of level. Of course in real life that sort of a guild would be non-existant. Even if the guild was level1 I would still join up if it was active and ran quests together. I understand that guilds are concerned about inactive players but I'm pretty much addicted to DDO so I try to log on at least once a day, just to show I'm still there. Please reply to this thread if your guild is recruiting or send me a letter in game.

    Server: Sarlona
    Character: Autotune (lvl 10 arti)
    Alt: Happyheals (lvl 11 cleric)

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Did you find a guild?

    I am Maalvolent, leader of Vanquished Fury on Sarlona. We are always looking for active members who enjoy questing as a team to add to our ranks. We are a lvl 60 guild, We raid at least twice a week and rarely "pug" out our runs. Pugs can be sooooooo annoying lol. If you want to give me a should I would be glad to run with you on one of my many toons to see if we are a good match. I do not allow zerging btw. One of my pet peeves and I am strictly apposed to leaving folks behind. This sort of continued behavior is the quickest way to not be in the guild. lol. My alts are Moostafa, Dresania, Havinger, Buumblebee, Littlebee, Rivets, Booberry, Barny and Stickingyee

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    My guild "Nerds of the Nightscape" is currently recruiting. My friends and I started this guild just for fun but now are finding that we'd like to expand so that we'd have more people to play with. (And so we can reach rank 20 faster in order to get an airship!! We are currently rank 16.) My rogue (Novthoroniel) is level 11 and Gwyidion, whom I quest with the most, is lvl 10. We are on nearly every evening (EST) and we'd love to add one more addict to our ranks.

    If you're interested or just want to chat more send me a message in game @ Novthoroniel.


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