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  1. #1
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Default Guild Renown Rewards for Players?

    I have had this idea rolling around in my head for a while now. And Always I try to think up ways to give my guild mates something for their efforts towards the guild. My last attempt was +2 tomes, being given out. However, I had no way to validate their efforts and ended up needing screen shots, mainly because, I felt that was the fairest way to do things.

    But I will admit, I felt kinda of bad about asking for that, like I was spying on them or something. So I lost a bit of fun from it.

    So, what I would ask from Turbine is to put in a merchant into the game, A DDO store item perhaps (Takes up a ship spot even? Large Hook Point Maybe?) Maybe even a Plat Version as well that gives out Rewards for renown accomplishment for the guild members.

    So this is my Idea: Very Basic:

    Rewards Merchant: 500 Renown (Hook Point: Large/Crew?)
    Cost: 500 Plat/3days
    Guild Level: 20
    Gives out random >Minor< Reward for every 500 Renown a Guild Mates earns.
    Common: Worthless Junk like Random Pot from the Guild Vendor (Stack of 10)
    Uncommon Chance: Minor SP Pots.
    Rare: Minor Renown Elixir

    Rewards Merchant: 1000 Renown (Hook Point: Large/Crew?)
    Cost: 5,000 Plat/3days
    Guild Level: 50
    Gives out random >Moderate< Reward for every 1000 Renown a Guild Mates earns.
    Common: (More Worthless Junk) - Slayer Arrows/Bolts, Perhaps
    Uncommon Chance: Normal SP Pots/Minor Guild Renown Elixir
    Rare: Moderate Guild Renown Elixir/+1 Jewel of Fortune/+1 Tomes

    Rewards Merchant: 2000 Renown (Hook Point: Large/Crew?)

    Cost: 10,000 Plat/3days
    Guild Level: 80
    Gives out random >Major< Reward for every 2000 Renown a Guild Mates earns.
    Common: Yes, Even more Worthless Junk
    Uncommon: Major SP Pots/Minor EXP Elixir/Moderate Renown Elixir
    Rare: +2 Tomes/+2 Jewel of Fortune/AD's?

    Also, Have a TP/AD version for levels 25/55/85 as well, that give better rewards, (Obviously to match the ships )

    This is rough. so obviously the rewards/levels and all that jazz would be adjusted to fit more aptly into what players would want.

    Also: Maybe even have an Augment Reward type of Guild/Ship Option in the store, so Guild Leaders can increase the benefits of their guild Rewards Merchant if they want.
    Last edited by Ungood; 10-19-2011 at 11:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Blogger and Hatchery Hero
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    i think this is a pretty cool idea. i like it

    i think the reward numbers might be a tad low, tho. typical adventure nets you a few hundred renown pretty easily... one lucky legendary and you (depending on your current guild bonus rate) might have the entire 2000 of the largest amount done in one go.

    perhaps tweak them up a bit, not so that it's a grind to get the rewards, but so that it's not free extra stuff to pick up at the end of every adventure

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  3. #3
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    i think this is a pretty cool idea. i like it

    i think the reward numbers might be a tad low, tho. typical adventure nets you a few hundred renown pretty easily... one lucky legendary and you (depending on your current guild bonus rate) might have the entire 2000 of the largest amount done in one go.

    perhaps tweak them up a bit, not so that it's a grind to get the rewards, but so that it's not free extra stuff to pick up at the end of every adventure
    Good point about the amount, and I agree, I didn't want this to be just "another turn in"

    I suppose my hope was for this to be an enjoyable incentive to take a victory over some worthless vendor trash item, with the "Festival Jester" mechanic in place, where you have the chance to get a decent or good item, not a guarantee.

    But yes. The idea needs work and revision. Just trying to put the concept out.

    Perhaps even a slot machine type of construct., where you get "rolls" based on how much Renown you have earned.

  4. #4
    Community Member Lordress's Avatar
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    interesting idea; i like it..., although i agree that the numbers might need to be upped a bit. The concept itself is pretty cool though.
    Owner of ..Chopstix, Colleena Bloodcup, and various other "level 7's"

  5. #5
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    An incentive for gathering renown?

    I like it! Though I would agree that the amount gathered before rewards are given would need to be higher.

    Keep the good ideas coming.
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