I find that I now have negative rep, although I have not posted anything offensive or controversial! What the blankety-blank-blank is going on?! I hope the consequences of negative rep are not severe, because it seems to be difficult to avoid it.
I find that I now have negative rep, although I have not posted anything offensive or controversial! What the blankety-blank-blank is going on?! I hope the consequences of negative rep are not severe, because it seems to be difficult to avoid it.
Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe
You have to get a whole lot of neg rep then you get monitored but unless you are a total idiot and cause problems you should have no issues with it likely someone just didnt something you said or how you said it dont worrry about it.
Beware the Sleepeater
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...h-legendary-CC
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
Turn off rep and ignore it. It's useless and don't mean jack.
People on this forum will neg rep you simply because their opinion on an issue differs from yours.
Ill probably get neg rep'd for this post because someone will find a way to take it offensive.
The Fockers of Argo
LOOON (Rogue); Reaperbait (Warlock); Eatuhdiq (Sorc); Fuglymofo (Barbarian)
Buttscracher (Arty), Hobaggin (Druid)
Guess you got neg-reped because you called yourself a "healbot". Some Divines are princesses that get "butthurt" when they read the word "healbot". Cause "healbot" is bad, mkay? They want to be adressed as "can-do-anything-bots" and don't care about the fact that you were refering to yourself. Just don't care. Not about rep and not about the whole "divines are not healbots"-drama.
EDIT: And why the @%&!! are all post showing in a wrong order? Can I fix this in the options somewhere?
Last edited by Hephaistor; 10-19-2011 at 09:25 AM.
Many people are idiots and have no idea what the reputation system is supposed to be. They will negative rep you if they disagree with something you've written, which is not the way it is supposed to happen.
You can appeal it if it matters to you. You can also ignore it, which is often the best way.
All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)
Leader of Guinness Knights (Level 165), which is (since June 2021) a two-man, father-son guild.
Cogito ergo summopere periculosus.
At -250 rep you are no longer allowed to post on the forums.
I will also tell you that different people carry different amounts of weight when they neg rep you. Good, or bad, this is how Turbine set this system up. I discussed how this is the most unfair system I have ever posted under before but Turbine never addressed it with me.
I had one person positive rep me and he gave me 60 rep. Next person neg repped me for over 100 in one pop but he had more green 'positive' boxes than my friend did so his weight carried more. There are some around here who can neg rep you once and get a neutral 0 rep poster from posting again so I really feel this is a horrible system the way it was implemented where a few can shut you down from ever posting again.
I was told to post pictures of puppies and kittens to get good rep and/or post about my job. Lie about your job if you have to saying you are a firefighter or in the military overseas and you will rack up so much positive rep it will make your head swim but I don't want to do that.
Please, Turbine, rethink how this rep system is set up and if you leave it as it is at least modify it so that we are all equal and carry one vote a piece.
Don't turn off rep. It does nothing but hide it, and makes it hard for you to know if your rep is getting dangerously low.
If you don't think the neg rep was deserved, report the post (click the "!" button on it) stating as such (yes, really, the mods told us to do it that way). I've found that the rep is almost always removed.
No, OP is right, even if you post an opinion in a moderate tone, if it's not in lockstep with someone else's, they may neg you. If you care about the greenies, then just don't express opinions, and if you want to get into heated discussions, then turn off rep display before your first post, and never look at your rep score (you still get pos/neg rep with display turned off, but no one sees it). Unless you're a troll (which you don't seem to be), your rep isn't going to go so low that it will be an issue.
You can report your own negged posts and hope that a mod has enough time to remove the rep, but this is chancey.
Sad thing is, you can either express yourself and join the hotly debated threads, or have all pos rep, but not both.
Last edited by EustaceTrevelyan; 10-19-2011 at 10:12 AM.
Same here... I used to completely ignore any neg rep I got, because it was rare, but in the last year or so, just for fun, I've used the report button to report undeserved neg rep, and it has always been removed.
You can post your opinion, and as you long you do it in a moderate tone, you will not get neg rep, or if you do get neg rep, you can report it, and it will be removed.
I don't think the forum community or the rep system is broken at all. As long as you post like an adult, you won't have problems stating your opinion.
i have to disagree with ya i don't post all that often but seem like lately for every few pos rep i get a get a neg rep i started reporting it when i thort it was unjust neg rep . the neg rep was taking off once the first time i reported and next 2 times i reported some ( only got the neg rep because some poster disagreed with my opinion, was nothing offense or trollish etc ) and yet got a big fat ignore from the mods.
worse part is i cant even neg rep ( as i dont have enough rep LOL ) anyone, seems like a lopsided system, that like some have pointed out, is like being in a high school popularity contest.
in all the games i have played DDO has the WORST forums i have ever seen
Originally Posted by CordovanOriginally Posted by Jendrak
The rep on the forums is akin to a high school popularity contest. All depends on how much it means to you I guess.
Nope. Turbine has to fix the clocks on their servers. Nothing we can do about it.
This would be great for a "look at this, now look back at me" post, but I'm not that talented.
But 5% or less of my rep came from funny pictures or jokes.
1% or less came from a very large thread I'm a part of.
I will often go into heated debate threads of my choosing. (I try not to beat the dead horse, however.)
I often express myself (as work allows.)
So you can do both.
And what a shocker. Some child neg'd me for my post in this thread. Really?
The Fockers of Argo
LOOON (Rogue); Reaperbait (Warlock); Eatuhdiq (Sorc); Fuglymofo (Barbarian)
Buttscracher (Arty), Hobaggin (Druid)
The best way to counter the neg rep trolls is to give positive rep to people who are being helpful. Or at least trying to.
When was the last time you gave positive rep?
Kmnh * Kmn * Kmm * Knn * Knm
Leader of Templar
'You have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hours, please try again later.'
Dont let the neg reppers get to you. It isnt worth worrying yourself over really. I mostly lurk on the forums but give positive rep even if I dont really agree with whats said but think they made a good point for instance.
Negative button is supposed to be used for: Ads, trolling, flaming, or being derogatory in some way. Havent really used neg button ever but I really only read topics that interest me. On that note thanks for the useful information.
Urgol the Registrar says, 'Urgol sad, cry tiny kobold tears! Too tiny to see - but Urgol not let you inside.'