I've got an 18/2 elven Pale Master right now and I'm looking to set up my gear for a TR into a Human 18/2 or pure (not sure yet which way I'll go but doesn't matter for the gear).
Here's what my plan's looking like for level 11-13+ when the raid gear starts showing up:
Helm: Minos Legens
Neck: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II (don't have yet but working on it)
Goggles: Currently Con-Op SP Item. Considering remaking this and either doing Con-Op HP Item or SP/Wiz VI +6 Cha Item
Trinket: Pouch of Jerky if I have trouble fitting in a GFL item. Voice of the Master for xp purposes and maybe some crafted items (crafting levels around 60 across the board). Kaelth's Touch when I need non-piercing DR.
Robe: Not sure here on the level 12-15 range. Before that point probably something with invulnerability (crafted lifeshield of invulnerability when available). 16+ will be Mabar (Robe of Shadow Level 16 and Epic Robe of Shadow)
Cloak: Stormreaver's Napkin
Bracers: Bracers of the Demon's Consort (don't have yet but working on it)
Belt: Likely spot for a +con item. Would love Lion-headed Belt Buckle (could deal with a loss of 2 con while leveling) but I'm not holding my breath on 3 DQ items before I TR.
Finger: Fill in the gap spot.
Finger: Fill in the gap spot.
Boots: Boots of the Innocent
Gloves: Bramble-Casters
My problem is that right now I only have a single greensteel item slotted. There's not a ton I can see dropping either. I'd hate to remake a dual-shard greensteel item but honestly my best choice right now looks like doing another set of con-opp goggles, this time with +45 hp's, and then making a cheap single shard hp item for another slot that I can swap out for charisma skills/shrining hp's.
I plan on TR'ing this character into a Sorc and FvS both eventually. Given that plan would a GS bracer make the most sense as the SP slot since I'm not likely to use the Demon Consort all the time during non-Pale Master lives? Doesn't really matter which slot I use during that life as it's just a sp swap but seems to make the most sense for the future. This life I just can't see fitting in two GS items, especially if I manage to get the 3 DQ items I want.
For those finger slots I've already got my int, gfl, con (assuming I get that on the belt), saves, and heavy fort slotted elsewhere. I'm thinking of going with str on one (if I don't get the belt buckle) and Greater Necro Focus on the other.
At cap, if I stay there at all, I could slot Toughness and Heavy Fort into an epic Buccaneer's Ring and Spyglass. That would open up the helm slot for a Greensteel or other item. That argues a bit for slotting the sp item into the helm but what gives me pause there is that it would be much less useful in future lives for the 11-19 levels and also for possible epic layouts if I ever run enough Chrono to consider the 3-piece from there.