For human or Drow when u hit vale go Water or Air
I currently have a level 8 sorcerer fire sevant and I do like it, however I have been wondering if this is the best way to go as I get towards higher levels. I currently have like 1,010 sp, but as I advance of course things have more HP and it takes alot more to kill them. Spell damage doesnt seem to increase now and I am running out of SP very fast, and I do conserve it where I can. I dont spam fireball or aoe spells on 1-2 mobs. There is also the issue of running into mobs that are resistant or immune to fire damage, which seems alot more frequent than air spells (though I imagin that those will be coming later on.) And I am using a +40% potency item for level 4 and lower spells
Anyway back to my main question. What is usually the most effective sevant at higher levels? If it isnt fire, what level should I switch to the other sevant?
I have liked the thought of throwing lightning around, but lightning bolt is just so picky with its accuracy.
I appreciate any helpful advice given.
Also how did gavijal make his post 3 min before mine and I am the OP? o.0 lol
Last edited by Kohmi; 10-18-2011 at 08:22 AM.
Air Savant is a great choice if you have close to maximum DCs possible (not warforged).
Water Savant is probably the best choice at level 18+.
Earth Savant is a great all around choice that works well from level 6 through to 20. Bonus HP, great SLA's, few resistant enemies, great level 18 CC ability, good synergy with web, fts and disintegrate, great DoT spells.
Ok, I'm a little biased but I've tried to be as objective as possible. On my earth savant I take secondary in cold (7/1/1) and 1 point in force and lightning for disintegrate and eledar's electric surge.
human. also what is the max DC?
Ice is best for AOE dps, and single target DPS.
Air is worse on both aoe and single target, but has got the utility of the jump.
Earth, no.
Fire, no.
This is at high levels, of course. Till you go to vale, stick with fire.
Air does not have AOE? I would think chain Lighting and Ball of lighting qualify as AOE as they hit multiple targets within an area.
fire is great til around level 12 and then either earth or air is awesome. I am thinking cold will be better for the devils at around level 18.
I have Air lvl 15 with water line second. Nothing clears the room like those two combined. Electric loop + ice storm + chain lightning and a few more nice spells to finish off. Niac's and Eldars for tripple stacks on bosses.
My first char and i'm really liking the nuking potential of it.
Air does not have a persistent AoE like Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, or Acid Rain. It's great for instant nuking, but the sp-efficiency of those three spells for clearing a group of enemies is tremendous.
To the original poster: are you using Wall of Fire? That's a key spell for fire savants. Cast it and jump around in circles like a bunny on crack until everything is dead.
My air is 16 right now and it is fun nuking a bunch of mobs at once. Hardly ever am I not in the top of the kill list with my savant, the only times were when I ran with 5 TR's in quests that were 2-3 levels ahead of my current level. And even then I was damaging the mobs enough that they did not need much more than a hit or two to finish them off. Had quite a few level 18 compliment me on the build when it was level 15.
I do the electric loop (SLA with maximized, empower and heighten for 5 sp I think it is), ball of lighting, chain lighting and if anything left a lighting bolt.
As for AOE.
Ice savant has:
Ice storm and acid rain as persistent aoe = best persistent aoe effects. (Earth gets the same, however)
Otulke's and Cone of COld as aoe nukes, you can cycle these two and free snowball storm without any downtime. Otulke's is the best aoe nuke in the game, 23d6 damage with Savant, chain lighting is far worse since it gets a reduction in damage per target. And acid doesn't have a good aoe nuke besides acid ball which caps at 13d6
This leaves Ice with being the best AOE savant, since they have the option of full damage acid + ice + elec, and the best nuke aoes as well.
Single target:
No penalty to either dot spell (biting cold, eldar's, bdb) and even gets a bonus to one of them (biting cold)
Has the best single target nuke (polar ray) and the best free sla (frost lance)
And with the best aoe dots that stack with the single target ones (acid rain, ice storm)
Last edited by Absolute-Omniscience; 10-18-2011 at 10:19 AM.
My sorcie is lvl 16 Air savant (cold as backup) and no one could change my mind to go other way then elec. Maybe elec doesn't have persistent AoEs, but until now I didn't really feel that I need some that kind of AoEs.
Air is imo best in terms of usefullness of spells. Lightning bolt has longer range then any other spells imo, it hits multiple targets (ok, you have to position yourself, but since I grow up on Quake games, I have no problem in postitioning for railgun and pre-aim properly). 1st SLA is probably the best of all savants, Shocking graps is awsome spell (no save). 2nd SLA is awsome, it does good DPS and it stuns (dont think any other savant can beat that). 3rd SLA is free railgun (do I need to exaplin this more?
As far as AoEs go, I still prefer Air to cold, with persistant efects, you're limiting yoursef to one, kinda small, area of effect, Chain lighting can jump to various possitions (you can nuke stuff behind corner etc) and it still does sick damage.
Maybe there are few endgame bosses where cold is better, but it's few bosses endgame, I don't care about it. I still have my backup sortiment of cold spells...