before reading this, be aware that this is purely theoretical exercise. By no means I recommend going for this build, just posting it cause it's possible to get so much haggle.
Race/Class Independent Direct Haggle bonuses:
+15 Competence Item - Epic Cloak of Silver Concord preferred.
+6 exceptional bonuses to cha skills, greensteel accessory
+5 enchantment bonus - house K shipbuff
+4 Greater heroism buff
+4 guild large slot necklace with crystal of haggling
+3 House Deneith collectable alchemical bonus from potions of eagle's skill
+2 good luck item = epic ring of the buccaneer tier 3.
=39 self buffed/geared build Independent bonuses
+5 Moment of Clarity buff from friendly monk
+2 Walk of the Sun buff from other friendly monk
+2 Inspire Competence buff from friendly bard
=9 friend-buffed build independent
+3 skill focus: haggle
+2 negotiator feat
+2 completionist
+1 Past Life: Bardic Dilettante
+1 Past Life: Sneak of Shadows
=9 feats
=57 so far.
Charisma Race/Class independent bonuses
18 Base
5 levelups
4 tome of leadership and influence
7 item (epic cloak of silver concord)
3 exceptional (+1 exceptional and +2 exceptional stacking for +3 toghether)
3 [url=]alchemical[url]
4 profane abishai cookies bonus
2 completionist
2 yugoloth potion
2 DDO Store lasting potions
2 Charisma shipbuff
=52 charisma = 21 cha mod
78 so far
Drow 19 Rogue/1 Bard:
23 Ranks
+1 from drow +2 base cha
+5 Rogue Skill Action Boost
+4 Rogue haggle enhancements
+4 Rogue special feats: Skill Mastery
+1 Focusting Chant bard lvl 1 self-cast-only spell.
=38 rank+racial+class bonuses
Full bard does not get skill boosts nor skill mastery feats. Drow does not get those too.
Human Full bard would be +1 adaptability, +3 bard Cha, +2 bard capstone = +6 charisma = +3 haggle
but it would lose +2 drow charisma and +4 skill mastery feats = +5 haggle.
Comparison to this breakdown giving 106:
+7 cha item adds +1 haggle to that build due to rounding.
you can get up to +4 cha bonus from profane typed bonuses (abishai destroyer buff that you get from eating all colors of abishai cookies in short amount of time)
Drow 19 Rogue/1 Bard with skill mastery taken at lvls 10, 13, 16, and 19 is 2 haggle ahead of Pure Human Bard.
That breakdown does not count +5 insight bonus from monk Moment of Clarity move. It only lasts 10 seconds tho.