Please revert the change made to a darker, more distinct grey on all cooldowns, or give us some control over its properties. The flash it produces during gameplay when you have multiple hotbars open is unbearable, and I currently can't play for all the flashing it produces.
Every time I change weapon set, items, cast spells, use ki abilities, etc. there's the global cooldown flash again for ~1 sec. It's atrocious looking, was an unneeded change and given hotbars cover about a third of my screen, just means I have to look at flashing stuff all the time I play. I had to stop playing after it was introduced.
I really can't understand why this was tweaked in the first place. I can only assume it was thought to be useful on longer cooldowns. Yes, on a 30s timer, a more distinctive cooldown might've been nice for some (although actually I prefer still being able to see the icon below) but it's absolutely not required on the global cooldown.
DDO already doesn't meet reasonable accessibility standards in it's offering to the user in terms of UI & customisation, and in my view this has just taken you a step further in the wrong direction. When you introduce features like this in future, please consider adding options to refine the elements for the end user, or revert it. As people requested with the unliked new party UI. Just an option to go back to the old style would've solved their issues, and available now a reversion or opacity/colour setting would've solved mine.