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Thread: eVoN6 is easy !

  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arshan View Post
    and the runner to be a wee competent, so total first timer not possible but well
    Are you sure about this? I just remember a monk being forced to be the runner although it was his first time in eVon6 But well this was quite a few months ago... guess times changed

  2. #22
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xoltaz View Post
    Are you sure about this? I just remember a monk being forced to be the runner although it was his first time in eVon6 But well this was quite a few months ago... guess times changed
    same for a rogue that i know you can't run it for 2nd and 3rd time if you haven't run it for the first time eh?

    Tar, nice guide, but to quote someone from a thread 'ways to make hp higher':

    'this is a great thread, but players with 200 hp toons, don't usually come to the forums'.
    Jesus saves. Everyone else rounds to nearest 5%.

    Sarlona: Nafaka[Rogue] Nandu[Monk] Neotheny[Wizard]
    Bullet Fist Tony My rogue's build

  3. #23
    Community Member GrampaBill's Avatar
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    I've come to the opinion that a smooth eV6 base run really depends upon the runner -- maybe because I'm usually there as the bard. It's all in the placement of the mobs, some runners put them too close to the Djinni and some of them pull them real close to the base exit. Obviously, when they're close to the exit, the chance for a loss of control is reduced immensely. If I lose control of one or more, I just Otto's the ones that slipped out and then fascinate again.

    Also, I use the term fascinate when in reality it's enthrallment. I've seen mobs take up to 5 hits before they break from enthrallment. So, that's what I use all the time, regardless of the raid or quest -- the only exception is when the enthrall is having a hard time hitting, then I'll switch to fascinate for a higher DC, but enthrall is probably a 99% solution.

    While the part about starting the song earlier is good advice, I tend to start the song later than I need to because I don't want to get to the situation where it is started too soon. The cool down before a second song can be attempted can be quite painful.
    Dec 21, 2011: Regarding signature errors like the one to the left:
    Quote Originally Posted by droipamine View Post
    I imagine we'll be looking at this very soon.

  4. #24
    Community Member paraplegic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    heh for sarlona it appears that 'DON'T do' means 'MAKE SURE you do'

    I'm not sure how else to explain it.

    Don't matter the raid, the quest, whatever, it WILL happen, if u say 'DON'T' do something, no matter HOW often u stress it, on voice AND in chat, someone will DEFIANTLY do it.

    THIS is why pugs are an issue nowdays, if u cant be sure everyone in the group knows whats to be done and how to do it (IE you have to explain anything) things WILL go wrong.

    HoX is the obvious example of this, as a test, take 11 random ppl into the raid, explain EXACTLY how u want it done, which ppl to do what, and its almost 99% guaranteed that 'someone' will do exactly what u asked them NOT to do simply because 'they know better'(Its the only thing I can think of why ppl do this ****.)

    And this is why, even when preping for evon6, I refuse to allow people to 'pike' more than once. If I notice someone piking at the entrance when I'm doing a von5 before a evon 6, that person gets the 'decline' when I run evon6 again 3 days later.

    hahahah on sarlona is really funny. one time in HOX the lead was explaining. please dont move after we enter, and then he asked (AND I WAS TYPING to make sure every1 got it) everyone got it?. they all said yes.

    one second later a guy move, and start running.

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