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heh for sarlona it appears that 'DON'T do' means 'MAKE SURE you do'
I'm not sure how else to explain it.
Don't matter the raid, the quest, whatever, it WILL happen, if u say 'DON'T' do something, no matter HOW often u stress it, on voice AND in chat, someone will DEFIANTLY do it.
THIS is why pugs are an issue nowdays, if u cant be sure everyone in the group knows whats to be done and how to do it (IE you have to explain anything) things WILL go wrong.
HoX is the obvious example of this, as a test, take 11 random ppl into the raid, explain EXACTLY how u want it done, which ppl to do what, and its almost 99% guaranteed that 'someone' will do exactly what u asked them NOT to do simply because 'they know better'(Its the only thing I can think of why ppl do this ****.)
And this is why, even when preping for evon6, I refuse to allow people to 'pike' more than once. If I notice someone piking at the entrance when I'm doing a von5 before a evon 6, that person gets the 'decline' when I run evon6 again 3 days later.