Ok I may be misreading how a Sorc works but the way I understand it is their pure elemental DPS especially when using your Savant Element (in my case Air) as opposed to the insta-killing, CC and buffbotting (with a side of I can't die cause I'm a PM but clerics hate me) that my Palemaster Wizard is prone to..yes?, no?
Anyways here's what I came up with for my Sorc..I know the DMs are kind of unconventional but my builds are rarely conventional and it does grant me access to the only way to get "Call Lightning Storm" although I am curious if they get boosted by Air Savant powers, Metamagics and enhancements....also the +2 to Balance is nice
As far as attack spells the plan is to use Air/Force (My wiz uses Acid/Cold and as I understand it an air savant gets penalties to Earth spells anyway) but I'm open to suggestion...also will prob put 1 point in fire for the times when firewall will actually work (not immune or absorbent)
Edit: I've decided to go Cold/Air and have my Wiz go Acid/Fire
Pure Half-Elf Sorc 20
Str 10
Con 16
Int 12
Cha 18 (Lvl ups here)
HE Pally Dilly (+5 Saves & Free Divine Wand/Scroll Use FTW)
1 Toughness
3 Empower
6 Maximize
9 DM1
12 DM2
15 Heighten
18 DM3
Skills: UMD, Concen, Diplo
1 (4) No
2 (4) Idea
3 (4) Gonna
4 (4) Wing
5 (4) It
6 (3) Got
7 (3) Plenty
8 (3) Of
9 (3) Dragonblood