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Thread: New UI

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New UI

    things ain't looking good on party vitals for people without blue bar, or with blue & yellow bars.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Old Birthday Cakes of Wishes don't turn into new Six Year Old Cakes.

  2. #2
    Community Member Snapdragoon's Avatar
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    . . .um. . . .please splain?. . .

  3. #3
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    situation 1: no blue, no yellow
    character has only 1 bar - red HP bar. wouldn't it be better if this bar covered whole width of player's section in this case, instead of having "empty" blue/yellow bar?
    situation 2: all 3 bars.
    contrary to release notes, in this case SP numerical value stays on middle of lower bar, instead of being aligned to the right side. there's no numerical value on ki bar, and ki bar is very thin. Wouldn't it look better if there were 3 bars of same width, instead of 1 wide and two tightly packed?
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Old Birthday Cakes of Wishes don't turn into new Six Year Old Cakes.

  4. #4
    Community Member Cleanincubus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yan_PL View Post
    situation 1: no blue, no yellow
    character has only 1 bar - red HP bar. wouldn't it be better if this bar covered whole width of player's section in this case, instead of having "empty" blue/yellow bar?
    situation 2: all 3 bars.
    contrary to release notes, in this case SP numerical value stays on middle of lower bar, instead of being aligned to the right side. there's no numerical value on ki bar, and ki bar is very thin. Wouldn't it look better if there were 3 bars of same width, instead of 1 wide and two tightly packed?
    Situation 1: I completely agree that for players with no Ki or SP, the HP bar should cover the entire space. But that's likely not something Turbine wants to dive into, if they could even do it without screwing stuff up.

    Situation 2: No, not really. The only important thing to most other people in a party, is another players HP. Absolutely no one else cares about another player's Ki. Checking another players SP is only important for 2 reasons. One, to see how much SP the party healer(s) have left. Two, to see why the healer isn't healing/casting, or why the caster(s) aren't casting spells anymore; basically verifying that they're not just piking with a full SP bar.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cleanincubus View Post
    Situation 2: No, not really. The only important thing to most other people in a party, is another players HP. Absolutely no one else cares about another player's Ki. Checking another players SP is only important for 2 reasons. One, to see how much SP the party healer(s) have left. Two, to see why the healer isn't healing/casting, or why the caster(s) aren't casting spells anymore; basically verifying that they're not just piking with a full SP bar.
    aye; but note that having all your own bars/numbers on party vitals lets you disable the large own vitals bar, hence saving screen space. Thus, at least for yourself, ki numbers in party vitals might be useful. Yet, I can agree that in most cases blue bar > yellow bar (in terms of importance).
    There's still the issue with SP numbers appearing in central part of the bar instead of rightmost part. But I bet it's either WAI or to be fixed Soon (TM).
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    Old Birthday Cakes of Wishes don't turn into new Six Year Old Cakes.

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