in my previous thread ( i was deciding if i should go pure cleric after i TR or make a clonk. after much consideration and hearing the benefits of both sides i decided the monk was the best fit for my preferred play style. the one remaining question i had really need a thread of its own and so here it is. my question is should i go favored soul or go cleric. i have put together 2 rough builds to compare. i am looking for helpful feedback from players experienced in fvs and clerics and hopefully with a monk splash.
i am interested in endgame raiding and want to be effective healer and be offensive caster focused. i would hope to still be effective enough in melee not the best not, not horrible, just good enough generate some decent DPS.
i hear the fvs is your best bet to be an offensive caster. the thing i like most about the cleric is radiant servant and they have the most spell slots and they get all the divine spells.
regarding the builds i am much less familiar with how to build a fvs so if you have tips i am open to suggestions. i am also if it makes a difference at what levels u splash if so when is good.