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  1. #81
    The Hatchery Paleus's Avatar
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    Oh no, we get it. Let me break down for you the basic insight you have discovered.

    Insight 1) Different people play this game different ways and that is ok.

    Got it, that is the novel insight. Some people like to play in permadeath, some people like to play in PvP, some people like to min/max or shoot for epic questing. This isn't news. There is, however, a catch that you need to get.

    Insight 2) You are not entitled to join anyone's group. You are welcomed into that group by the other players and if you don't match their playstyle then it's their right to refuse to group with you.

    I don't play permadeath style game, but if I did get into a permadeath group I wouldn't suddenly run off, die and expect to be raised because that's not how they play the game. Similarly, if a low con, low dps character that intentionally under-gears for 'challenge' joins a group aiming for fast completion times, high quest-level game play then we're going to do two things:
    A) Offer you advice on how to match your build/gear to the expected playstyle of the group.
    B) Tell you that while we valued our relationship in the short time we had together, its time for it to end. No really its not you, its us baby. "Player Low-con, low dps, Elf has been removed from party"

    Now, if you understand both of these insights, then I can only assume you are posting to the forums to tell us all about how you play the game. That's nice and all and I hope you enjoy the attention while it lasts. Nevertheless, I think people on the forums got confused because you said "Some People don't get it" and then listed an experience you had with a pug. We thought you didn't understand why the players in that group offered you advice. They were offering you advice on how you could match their playstyle if you wanted to group with them. If, however, you quite seriously do not want to match their playstyle then you are by all means welcome to start your own LFMs, but they are not required to group with you.
    Kobold never forgive....kobold remember waterworks.

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    i'll be putting a bug into our system.

  2. #82
    Hero erei's Avatar
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    Even from a rp point of vue, I don't understand why you don't use better item. If I was an adventurer, and found a rare and magic item in a chest who could makes my life easier, I would take it. Or sell it, and spend the rest of my life swimming in money.
    And usually, about abilities, there is some people choosing a class after rolling the abilities in D&D. With those stats, you would never have choose a scout. Maybe a bard, or a mage (sorcerer or wizard). Just like you do in RL, you do a work who suits you. You don't see a lot of frail people doing hard work like building houses. They just can't, even if they want to.
    As people said, with only 8con, you wouldn't survive in wilderness or in a dungeon filled with traps and mobs. 8con is LESS than an average human, and he should survive in more dangerous wilderness than our RL wilderness, while an average human would probably not ? 16 cha ? From a scout living outside, doing dungeon in sewer, stinking (no showers outside, and he probably carry garlic and stinking stuff all the time), with probably few human interaction of any sort ? 16cha is someone everyone loves. He can sell an ipod to a deaf. And the deaf will thanks him.

    Fact his, this is not a less optimal build. It's a less than normal build. IE your build, in term of gaming, is bad. And it's not about min-maxing.
    Maybe you think you can't be RP and using a good/average build, but it's wrong. And the guy who talk to you about your stats was right. You are trying to use "rp" as an excuse for having a bad build, even from a rp point of vue. If you are useless in a team because you are trying to do a "useless scout" for some RP reason, you are still useless in a team. A bad scout is a dead scout. But, you can try to give your excuses to the monster before he kill you. And truth is, if I was making a team, I wouldn't take the frail elf in my team for scouting, even if he looks like a good guy.

    With a 28pt build I've made this. Note this is not an optimal build.
    str 8, dex 16, con 14, int 16, wis 8, cha 10
    I try to keep the value close to what you've done. Even with 10cha, which is almost useless on a rogue. With such value, you can go for a mechanist rogue, using a repeating Xbow. Or maybe try something with the racial arcane archer and any rogue prestige, but I don't know if it could work. Or do a rapier assassin with finesse, you'll do few damage with such a low str, but you don't aim for endgame, and you couldn't be worst than many I've seen so far.
    Last edited by erei; 10-11-2011 at 10:39 AM.

  3. #83
    Hero BurnerD's Avatar
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    If your goal is to solo on casual then whatever you want to do is completely fine. Run casual naked with lumps of coal as your only weapon if you like.

    We occasionally do non-twink static groups in our guild, but our goal is to still create sound builds and gear them as well as we can.

    This game is group-centric. You can get away with a certain amount of "flavor" in your builds, but if you are unknown and run really poor builds it will be hard to get groups.

    I think alot of people in this game are willing to help you with your builds without degrading your efforts or forcing you to be a min-maxer. Good Luck
    Argonessenn -Officer of Storm Shadow-
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  4. #84
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanquishedfo View Post
    actually your very wrong. as I have recieved actualy tells from DMs thanking me for reporting in game harrasment..
    I hate to tell you, but they aren't really thanking you. That's a cut & paste text they use to respond to ALL harrasment complaints, valid or not. It is entirely possible they closed your ticket and took no action after that.

  5. #85
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    What was the point in starting ANOTHER thread. Your old one is still open.

  6. #86
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    What was the point in starting ANOTHER thread. Your old one is still open.
    Some people just don't get the reply button.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  7. #87
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenalth View Post
    Some people just don't get the reply button.
    Isn't that the button generally hit right before someone in your guild gets banned?

  8. #88
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    Isn't that the button generally hit right before someone in your guild gets banned?
    50/50 new post vs reply.
    Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
    AoK @ Argonnessen

  9. #89
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    reported as spam. Maybe a Forum rep will attach this to your old thread, who cares. Point is the new thread isnt needed, and everyone says the same thing.

    We get it, you don't. You want to play that way, FINE. Don't join other peoples groups and expect to be taken seriously. Hell, just don't join others groups.

    Set up a lfm for yourself if u 'REALLY' want to roleplay, but after anyone see's this thread, they will know u are a bad roleplayer.

    The advice u got was rehashed over and over, and u made a NEW thread to continue this? Your just a forum troll at this point.

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