Per the release notes:
Destruction and Improved Destruction have been changed. These effects now have a duration of 20 seconds each, and reduce Fortification as well as Armor Class. Destruction reduces Armor Class and Fortification by 1% every time this effect hits an enemy, up to a -4 AC and -4% Fortification. Improved Destruction now reduces Armor Class by 2, and Fortification by 2%, up to -8 AC and -8% Fortification.
However, tested on Lammania, and Improved Destruction with a quad-stack gives -4% Fortification, -4 AC.
Go into a Tavern Brawl with two characters. One must have Destruction and Improved Destruction weapons. For our test, we used a Favored Soul, Mserika of Sarlona as our "Dummy" with AC 15, 100% Fortification, and my Rogue, Oschkosch of Sarlona, with a +5 Khopesh of Destruction, and +5 Khopesh of Improved Destruction (Both Cannith Crafted).
First Test:
- Main-hand, +5 Khopesh of Improved Destruction, Off Hand Muckbane.
- Four hits. Confirmed the quad-stack via character examination window.
- 96% Fortification, 11 AC. Should have been 92% Fortification, 7 AC.
Second Test:
- Main-hand, +5 Khopesh of Destruction, Off Hand Muckbane.
- Four hits. Confirmed the quad-stack via character examination window.
- 96% Fortification, 11 AC. Working as Intended.
Third Test:
- Main Hand, +5 Khopesh of Improved Destruction, Off Hand +5 Khopesh of Destruction.
- Hit FvS for about ten seconds of straight auto-attacking. Confirmed 4-stack.
- 96% Fortification, 11 AC.
Regardless of combo used, Improved Destruction did not work "as described".
Bug has been reported.