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  1. #121
    Community Member Psyker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post

    Series... Tigers V Cards.... Cards take em down in 6....
    +1 for that prediction,

    While I have never considered myself a Tiger fan I love the way they have been playing ball these past few seasons, and I can cheer on any team that took Atlanta out of the playoffs on the last day of the season. (Atlanta has had it coming ever since they unseated SF in 93, SF is the last team that will win 100 games and not make the playoffs)

  2. #122

    Default lol

    I present to thee all the Epic Mjolnir

    +100 Enhancement bonus
    Epic Parrying +10 Insight bonus to AC, Saves
    Greater Lightning Strike
    Greater Corrosive Salt
    Greater Incineration
    Greater Magma Surge
    Greater Disintergrate
    Pure Good
    Holy Burst
    Icy Burst
    Epic Dragon Bane
    Epic Human Bane
    Epic Halfling Bane
    Epic Dwarf Bane
    Epic Lawfull Outsider Bane
    Epic Evil Outsider Bane
    Epic Plant Bane
    Epic Construct Bane
    Epic Red, Yellow, Colorless, Green and Blue slots.
    Epic Haggler +100 insight bonus

    hahaha just kidding
    Afteristar Ghallanda
    E N T E R T A I N M E N T R E D E F I N E D

  3. #123
    Community Member thewalex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    The best item they could ever add to the game would be the Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity.
    So far as entertainment value, Matuse hit the nail on the head.

    In practical terms, the deck of many things would be fun. Would you be willing to screw up a capped character for the sake of some really awesome benefits.
    Walex (Evoker FvS) | Contingent (Pale Master) | Akulatraxas (RS Cleric) | Soundtrack (Spellsinger)

  4. #124
    Hatchery Hero Dark_Helmet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    Get a real ballpark. Baseball is played OUTDOORS.
    Since +3 tomes came out in the store, I actually haven't played and got to watch all of the playoff games... even the rain delays.

    A real ballpark didn't have lights either.

    Of course, you could have been a Montreal Expos fan and went to a community ballpark that was made for 3000 (another 25K were tacked on within 1/2 a year and lasted for almost 10 years... there was no protection from the weather in those bleachers!) Players could see the actual sunset and play was actually stopped so they wouldn't be blinded.
    Oh, that's easy. I didn't farm them. I just cheated. -Meghan
    Quote Originally Posted by 404error View Post
    lol, I didnt give it a QA pass.

  5. #125
    Community Member UniqueToo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AMDarkwolf View Post
    U mean a 7/7/6 sorc/wiz/fvs not being caster lv 20?

    Thats working as intended as it should be. Just a FYI.
    Actually "as intended" would include all the feats here (pages 94-96) or the Magic Rating System. No part of the ruleset(s) is(are) currently implemented.

    Fortunately MRS + Practiced Spellcaster would be a simple permanent fix (much faster then implementing all the other feats - and much more balanced to what melee multi's have).
    Last edited by UniqueToo; 10-10-2011 at 01:36 AM.
    Casters should be able to multiclass too!
    Give us our own version of a BAB! - Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Magic Rating

  6. #126
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    Best item EVER? Epic Sunblade, ml 12? ummmm... Epic Minos Legens? LOL

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meat-Head View Post
    But Maj said something in a post maybe 2-3 weeks ago about how in U12 he'll be playing his fighter (he appeared to be implying a change for them).
    [Edit: I SORTA think I remember him saying that it was his "TWF fighter".. but I could be mis-remembering that part]

    Now he's saying that u12 will have maybe the best item EVER...

    I'm feeling there must be a relationship. At least it appears NOT to be a blue-bar-based item.
    If so, perhaps it is a reference to double-axe/double-sword...

    I doubt it tho.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  8. #128
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    Default Thanks

    Thanks Major,

    I was one of the first to jump on you guys for talk of making Cove Items bound to character. Now that the event is over and I ground out a ton of items bound to Account I'd like to say thank you for sticking with bound to account. This is much better for those of us who don't have the time to grind out items for all our toons and yes you still get our money and in my mind much more entertaining.

    Thanks Again!

  9. #129
    Community Member Superspeed_Hi5's Avatar
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    As a lifelong New Yorker and a Yankees fan it always amuses me when Sox fans say the Yankees lost its been a good season or any other team for that matter.

    Yankees fans may not be the nicest people in the world but when you have as many WORLD SERIES WINS as we do a succesful season for us isnt one where Boston doesnt make it. Why? Cause its almost a given. We dont have to hope Boston loses, they do that on their own.

    Roger Clemens said once that he would never play for the Yankees but when Boston couldnt get him that ring he went right to NY and we got him one.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superspeed_Hi5 View Post
    Roger Clemens said once that he would never play for the Yankees but when Boston couldnt get him that ring he went right to NY and we BOUGHT him one.

  11. #131
    Community Member Karbalis's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    It's still a tie between AC being completely broken and useless in 98% of the game and the casting classes being the Kings or Queens of Stormreach, as to which is the most long broken situation in DDO.
    ^^ THIS...for the LOVE OF GOD THIS!! I am so sick of having a decent AC on several different toons, only to get repeatedly smacked around by anything other than lower level trash mobs. I don't WANT to have to look up some twink-build multiclass Barb/Monk/Ranger to be able to get my AC into the 70+ range so i'm not being beat on constantly, while the mage sits at the back and casts 2000+ point ice spells at mobs at will.

    And for best item in the game ever. It's a new ring that doubles Cleric/FVS total spellpoints so they can actually do their job AND maybe some offensive spellcasting when they want to so they don't just feel like walking bandaids which is what DDO has reduced them to. Honestly guys this has been a problem for YEARS. MOST people HATE playing a Cleric because they can do pretty much nothing but be totally geared twords healing AND they need mem pots like crazy. It's extremely annoying getting pretty much ANY group together, then having to wait for a pug cleric who you have no idea if they are even halfway decent at their class, or are one of those bizarre "Battle Clerics" you hear about. Either that or your spending your time trying to beg any of several guild members to play their cleric which noone wants to play because this game is so unfriendly to the healing classes.

    This is however only my personal little rant as Turbine figured out early on that tweaking it so the healing classes have to spend loads of cash in the Turbine store buying mem pots would generate them uber cash. I would be willing to wager that at least 75% of the income from the store is from healing classes being forced into buying mem pots as their class is so broken and limited that this is the only way to play the class and not suffer a massive ragefest in raids when you run out of spellpoints. The only alternative is to generate plat from about 3 other lvl 20 toons to feed the cleric so he can have a chance at buying overpriced major mem pots from the AH as the drop rate of these things in the game is insanely low.

    So yea you want to fix something? Fix Clerics so people don't hate playing them, the class is already extremely limited as it is, making it insanely hard for them to get/keep spellpoints just makes a difficult class even more difficult to the point of ridiculousness.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    You believe....poorly. Sadly, if you want to blame anything, blame mushrooms.

    How's that for cryptic?

  12. #132
    Founder auximenes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karbalis View Post
    And for best item in the game ever. It's a new ring that doubles Cleric/FVS total spellpoints so they can actually do their job AND maybe some offensive spellcasting when they want to so they don't just feel like walking bandaids which is what DDO has reduced them to.
    Actually, that's par for the course in P&P too, so, WAI.
    - Founding member of The Firebrands of Caruja on Thelanis -
    Korrin Unterklippe / Miloc Maurvayne / Dinvak Massif / Iyflyn Godylyl
    (D&D player since '82)

  13. #133
    Community Member Drona's Avatar
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    Smile Hold on!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Karbalis View Post

    It's extremely annoying getting pretty much ANY group together, then having to wait for a pug cleric who you have no idea if they are even halfway decent at their class, or are one of those bizarre "Battle Clerics" you hear about. Either that or your spending your time trying to beg any of several guild members to play their cleric which noone wants to play because this game is so unfriendly to the healing classes.
    Well most of the people having melees (including me) have long shifted to self-sustaining classes even before U11.

    Now with the UI changes, wings nerf and LFMs waiting eons to fill up for want of healers, I see more and more people playing WF mages/artis/PMs/FvS. So it should get better for you guys

  14. #134
    Community Member Superspeed_Hi5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    Roger Clemens said once that he would never play for the Yankees but when Boston couldnt get him that ring he went right to NY and we BOUGHT him one at the cost of his immortal soul!
    Double Fixed!

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superspeed_Hi5 View Post
    As a lifelong New Yorker and a Yankees fan it always amuses me when Sox fans say the Yankees lost its been a good season or any other team for that matter.

    Yankees fans may not be the nicest people in the world but when you have as many WORLD SERIES WINS as we do a succesful season for us isnt one where Boston doesnt make it. Why? Cause its almost a given. We dont have to hope Boston loses, they do that on their own.

    Roger Clemens said once that he would never play for the Yankees but when Boston couldnt get him that ring he went right to NY and we got him one.
    I neither like either the Yankees nor Red Sox, and think both teams should just play in their own league for their own audiences. But why does every stinkin Yankee fan feel the need to defend their team and tell the world they have the most World Series wins. Just shut your mouth and act like you have been there before, or are you all so insecure that you have to brag about it?

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drona View Post
    Well most of the people having melees (including me) have long shifted to self-sustaining classes even before U11.

    Now with the UI changes, wings nerf and LFMs waiting eons to fill up for want of healers, I see more and more people playing WF mages/artis/PMs/FvS. So it should get better for you guys
    What they are going to fix Paladins, and make them useful? Is that what I read????

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyadra View Post
    What they are going to fix Paladins, and make them useful? Is that what I read????

    U-19 the rise of DDO-Vista!

  18. #138
    Community Member ryingar's Avatar
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    I'm shocked that no one has mentioned this yet, but......!est item ever....druid?

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