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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2009

    Default [Request] Pure monk TR

    I will be doing my first TR soon and need some help planning it. I know I want to go pure monk, but that is about it. I really need help with race, skills, feats, and enhancements. I'm just looking for something that I can use to challenge myself with by soloing content, as I mostly level with other players. I'm looking forward to this TR, and I know monk is one of the better soloers in the game. I'm looking for a build that has good survivability, only having to chug pots/use wands once in a while, while also putting out good damage. I do not care if it is a strength or dexterity based monk. Future thanks for the people who take time to post and help me out.

    Edit: I am also looking for a paladin build for this TR. It will give me more options then the monk, and I can use weapons/armor that I have saved up.
    Last edited by anynameleft; 10-07-2011 at 01:56 PM.

  2. #2


    From what are you planning to TR? It could make a difference.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    May 2009


    The character I'm gonna TR is a cleric. I thought I was going to enjoy them, because I do in PnP and in MMOs I like healers, but not so much this cleric. I'm not sure what it is, but it isn't as fun as it could have been. That's why I want to change into something that is a little bit more active and hands-on. Looking at the past life cleric feat, seems clerics should only TR into clerics, not very useful.

  4. #4
    Lord of Dragons Maatogaeoth's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I'm currently playing a human STR/Dark monk TR1 and enjoying it. Only level 5 (I'm not fast at XP at all), but I've been running everything on elite with a pocket healer with very limited issues. Groups are generally more annoying as I don't get to have my pocket healer so I have to burn potions.

  5. #5


    Hum. PL Cleric is not going to assist you as a monk no matter the path. Have you considered a Paladin? They can be great melee characters with fantastic saves and would definitely benefit from a Cleric past life.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    May 2009


    I would not mind a paladin either. I just want a melee character with good survivability and damage, and I guess by being a paladin, I would gain access to better healing and scrolls/wands. At this point, I would not care if it was a paladin or a monk.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by anynameleft View Post
    I would not mind a paladin either. I just want a melee character with good survivability and damage, and I guess by being a paladin, I would gain access to better healing and scrolls/wands. At this point, I would not care if it was a paladin or a monk.
    Well, why not go for both. The Divine Phoenix build is really meant for a Monk PL but you could definitely make it work with a Cleric PL which would boost the HotD PrE to some extent. It's not overtly gear dependent but does require a few hard-to-get items to shine at end game. You should have no trouble soloing with it provided a triple-class split is not objectionable to you.

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