This would completely destroy all raid loot sharing... plus, you could outfit your other characters without ever taking them into raids.
So no, not signed.
You need to learn how to raid with your melee, not just skip all raids with him, and instead farm for loot with your caster.
Why require the DDO store, they can just make everything BTA or unbound now.
Add a purchase reset Raid timer token, when your toons are on timer.
Add a purchase Epic ready capped toon fully geared from the DDO store so you dont have to play and can just log on and brag about how uber you are.
Last edited by JOTMON; 10-07-2011 at 02:27 PM.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
Yeah I was wrong, a TORC is better than a +3 tome indeed. I guess I'm still upset about the +3 tome in store. +3 tomes are raid loot and they sell raid loot now... but I'm off topic
Melissiah of Thelanis
+3 tomes do not turn a toon from a total gimp to an unkillable machine with godlike power. it's one point TOWARDS (keep in mind- even numbers needed!)
20 hitpoints
+1 to-hit
+1 damage
30 spellpoints
+1 AC
+1 saves
+1 umd
other stuff. it's not game breaking at all. it's BS they're selling it in the store just because it's raid loot. (took me months to grind my tomes, took the next guy 15 seconds of entering credit card info)
a torc, on the other hand..... when coupled with a shield, an unkillable godlike machine sounds a bit more realistic.....
The point was that if an item is BtC for a balancing reason, it could either be ineligible for BTA conversion or it would be BTA (BTC upon equip) similar to crafting unbound items.
Because TRing is in place it's not unheard of for a fighter to loot something they can't use right at this moment for the sake of using it in a future life. (I thought that was the whole point of 20 runs for loot lists?)
I think 20 raid runs would be less annoying for someone if they had the option to pass something useful to a different character they had. I'd suggest BTC upon equip for all raid items but that would de-rail the thread
so... Store bought conversion. I for one am willing to pay.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
To answer the question: BTA items becoming unbound would unbalance the player economy... and the best motivator is something revenue generating without breaking the game. (main reason why I didn't suggest it to be incorporated to the existing crafting system, if it was free why would we pay?)
I know some players that leave over a game changing element that affect their character directly because of the time spent to optimize that ability along with gearing the character out to the tee. Having some way to redeem a now broken build by moving items to new or existing character may help to generate a returning player base.
I know back when permanent damage was ridiculous I bound a whole lot of items to a now useless character. An ability to reverse that would save a LOT of time trying to grind back the items on a different character.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
Your OP said nothing about exempting any BtC items from BtA conversion. So what items would you want a conversion for? It's impossible to really discuss your proposition without establishing this. Stuff like the non-epic Red Fens set items I could see, since they're about the same power level as BtA chain rewards anyway. But I still don't want to see that as a store option.
And BtA on acquire + BtC on equip is a very minor limitation. I would consider making Raid loot that barely any better than making it flat out BtA.
Not unheard of, but taking something for a future TR is much less compelling than taking something for your alt, that you could use right now. Most long-time players have some character that could make use any Raid loot they might pull, that's remotely desirable. And outside of completionist-bound characters (not common), most characters will stay within the same "genre" of character throughout their TRs, meaning loot useless now is likely to be useless in the future.Because TRing is in place it's not unheard of for a fighter to loot something they can't use right at this moment for the sake of using it in a future life. (I thought that was the whole point of 20 runs for loot lists?)
I, for one, am not willing to pay for a game where a high degree of paying for power is Store bought conversion. I for one am willing to pay.
This would be great if it was limited to, say 1 item every 3 - 6 months per account. I would use it and I don't believe it would be totally abusive. If they move their torc over, the other character couldn't get it back for months.
Yes I didn't address exempting any BtC items from BtA conversion in my original post. It would make sense that the Devs would make that determination. They would know the reason why some items are BtC and why some items that used to be BtC are now BtA.
My opinion: Any item that is not altered *crafted* in some form would remain BtC. (maybe a breakdown option? take an epic item, lose the ingredients that made it epic and be able to change it back to a raid item?) I would argue that previously attuned items could be available for conversion. Any item that was BtC and is now BtA?
As you pointed out most long-time players do have some character that can make use of any raid loot they might pull. How many times have you pulled something you wished you had gotten on another character?
Lots of long time players (myself included) would see this as a good thing. Some won't ever want to see it as an in-game and/or store option but then they might feel the same way for the respec that the lesser heart of wood allows us either.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
That's still pretty rare... Very very very few people are going for completionist... Most people TRing are TRing into similar classes... My barbarian has TRed twice.. may TR once more... but I've still given away plenty of caster raid loot, because I have no intention of ever TRing him into a sorc or something.
Same with my wizard... He's only going to TR into caster types, so he gives away melee items.
BtA for just items in the 20th list is an interesting idea. Gut reaction is no, but I could consider that oneI think 20 raid runs would be less annoying for someone if they had the option to pass something useful to a different character they had.
~Proud member of Thac0~
I disagree with the attitude that certain classes shouldn't loot a particular item that happens to drop for them just because there's a presumed "greater need" by another class. Now if it was someone rolling for an item someone put up for roll that they intend to pass to a different character... that's another story.
Raid loot sharing will still occur irregardless of this feature being added to the DDO store.
If all raid loot can only be converted to BtA (bind to character on equip), and the cost was 1000 TP, the people using this feature heavily would be people that have played for years and they are likely to use it only on highly coveted low drop items. In fact. One could argue that if they did get the item to the character they needed it on (20th run on a different character or whatever), they would be far more likely to be in a position to pass the raid loot along if it drops for them again.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
These 'HEY THE MOST UNBELIEVABLE THING THAT WE THOUGHT WAS NEVER GOING TO BE IN THE DDO STORE IS THERE RIGHT NOW - GO LOOK! - HAHA TRICKED YOU!' threads dressed up as polls, petitions and rants are rather annoying.
PS - No I didn't really get tricked, but it's still corny, cheap and annoying.![]()
I'd just be happy if the huge collectibles bag I bought from the store was BtA.
"You know how sometimes when you’re drifting off to sleep you feel that jolt, like you were falling and caught yourself at the last second? It’s nothing to be concerned about, it’s usually just the parasite adjusting its grip." -David Wong
Just for clarity, I don't think that anyone in this thread is objecting to the idea that someone who would only get limited use out of an item would loot it instead of someone else who would potentially make better use of that item. The objection is that players who have absolutely no desire for that item on that character would no longer want to put items up for /roll because a BtA conversion option because they could potentially pass that item to another character that they already have or that they might potentially roll up in the future.