sins the update of SD Fighteres and DoS Palidins it seems more and more coman that tanks ONLY need HP
been in manny raids now were the trend is heading towards a tank with 1000 hp as many touthness feats as posible intimdating blocking, hate tanking
i after a genral idear of with way is prefered by most 80+ ac unbuffed 750hp avraging 90 damage a hit 250% 400% hate OR 1000 hp low ac 60 dam avrage hit 400%-550% hate (avrage hits include efects and items and crits)
eg of the hp hungry builds below
EG of builds Palidin
55 ac
4x touthness
lvl stat points in con
shieled feats
0 smite ehansments
0 divine might
max touthnes ehansments
EG Ftr
60 ac
6 touthnesses
3x thf
3x shieles feats
imp crit
2x wep spe slashing
3x wepion focus slashing
now these are not my builds and in my eyes i think thay dont work that well from exspericans as a healer i fined tanks lousing agro in fights even with lots of hate gear/ healing amp (due to blocking) cost more sp than a tank with ac and damage 0 healing amp. but seems as we can now see hp thats what people are respecking for. thay genraly have 1/2 the dps of a proper ac build and 20-30 ac less just to gain 250hp. the main resion i keep coming across is 1 simply word LoB but i fined a 750 hp ac tank easya to keep alive in there than a 1000 hp usless ac of 60 tank.
ps if you dont play a healer keeping them alive or top end dps gimping damage to try to avoid taking agro and understand othere rols in a party thats needed to compleat quests im not intrested in you opinion.