Raids, we all want to run them we all want to loot them and many of them are outdated in several ways. I'm hoping to make a few base suggestions that may help players of all types deal with the issues of making raids more "friendly" for everyone while still keeping them challenging and on point for the purposes of doing what they are intended to do which is give you loot that you want or need.
Here are my meager suggestions. I'm putting these out there hoping that with some help from other posters it will give the devs some thoughts to chew over. I'm not expecting them to be fully accepted at face value but to undergo a bit of an evolution from the thoughts of others. I've been hashing over these ideas because of some of the posts I've been responding to about the difficulty of epics for those who aren't well geared for them and their feelings about it. I'm not trying to suggest any easy buttons but a little bit of a lessening in the grind for really all of us while making sure that we are still earning our way. Also ways to increase the number of lfms and opportunities to get both geared up to run epics and experience with the various raids in general for all of us while increasing the number of geared players to shorten the wait times for filling epic lfms.
1. Difficulty. I really like the way devil assault scales up in difficulty by several levels for each chosen difficulty. I also like the way that each difficulty changes what kind of opponents you are facing. I suggest this be done with at least some of the raids, dragon and titan mainly but others could be done as well. Dragon for example, normal difficulty lvl 10, Hard difficulty lvl 15, elite difficulty lvl 18. All of this like the cove is independent of bravery bonuses. Each difficulty changes what you are facing and allows devs to get out some quick content while making it also somewhat new. It also allows new players/casual players several chances during leveling a to get into, experience, and learn these raids while giving those who are experienced a reason to also run these raids several times in the leveling process both for loot and experience.
2. Loot. Epic grinding has been a complaint since it was created. Running it who knows how many times and trading the shards and scrolls trying to get a match is really not a very good way of handling the issue of keeping players going while giving the devs more time to work on more content. I'm thinking doing something alot like the alter process used to upgrade trinkets in the necropolis would be alot better. Have the warded chests at each difficulty level drop raid loot at regular drop rates then you can use the alters to upgrade them as you go along. Each difficulty giving the items a further upgrade. Example you pull a base chattering ring out of a warded chest on normal when you go back and do the hard difficulty you place the ring on the alter and it gets an upgrade, elite a further upgrade, epic final upgrade. Have the alters only give one upgrade at a time. Example you pull the base ring on normal, later you do an elite run place the ring on the alter and get the upgraded hard version, then you either do another elite run for the elite version or do 2 epic runs to get the epic version. Have warded chests drop base raid loot at the regular drop rates and for elite and epic drop the appropriate upgraded items at a much lesser droprate. What to do with the scrolls and shards already out there for those raids I'm not sure, could use some ideas on that part. Maybe a random conversion into large ingredients or crafting components on the alter.
Regular 6 man epics could keep the shards and scrolls as the base quests wouldn't have scaling difficulties.
Well that's my idea thx for reading. Please add suggestions or if you see a problem with the idea give suggestions on a fix for the problem.