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  1. #1
    Community Member sho-gun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default CCP CEO admits mistakes in Eve development

    I know Eve is an entirely different animal than DDO. It is by far one of the most non-traditional
    MMO's going. I have played the game on and off for years and follow its development closely.
    The fact that the entire universe runs on a single instance of 65000 simultaneous logins is
    amazing alone.

    CCP has made some big issues over the past year or so regarding direction of the game,
    not listening to its community, internal memo leaks, a disgusting micro-transaction store release, and more.

    While they have had the "CSM" (a community-elected panel of players that work directly with CCP
    to help shape the game direction) for a number of years, they failed to listen to the big issues.

    Yesterday, the CEO of posted a blog admitting mistakes, and outlined a new company direction
    to finally fix things the community has been yelling about for years.

    I'm not saying Turbine is close to making the same level of mistakes that CCP has committed,
    but I certainly hope they are paying close attention to industry issues such as unfixed bugs, balance issues,
    "pay to win", communication, etc.

    The most recent attempts at better communication is definitely a good start. Listening to the community regarding
    the Cannith crafting materials debacle and adjusting them is another. The recent failed roll-out of the Cove
    is a good example of Marketing schedules driving things, and QA failure to catch/test a buggy code release.

    Turbine, please don't make the same mistakes.

  2. #2
    Community Member MsEricka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I was part owner of a three owner company once where the direction was failing. I ended up firing a partner from working (he still got his check, why would he really care). It ended up that the company was bleeding money badly because of actions and inactions from this now fired partner. In a few months I stopped the bleeding but the big profits just weren't there anymore.

    I took my exit a few months later so the last partner could have more of an income and when I left the other two got back together again. Two months later the company death spiraled again and went open source. There's been very little development and from what I understand almost no income in two years now.

    Some people are poison to a company, get rid of them and don't let them come back.

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