Quote Originally Posted by LolWutRoflstomped View Post
What it comes down to is Tarnesh is better than you so your argument is irrelevant. Who are you again? Because I certainly don't recognize you which means you're probably nobody.
Thanks for that but as far as i had fun i still didnt have DR breakers and even if i defended myself in a (expected) funny way, i could have done better, and this run was done with really competent people and even if i was kinda pricky it was mainly for the joke, and the fun of the situation. Was more about giving **** to myself than anything.
There is no reason to say that i'm better since in this special case i was WRONG to not carry DR breakers. My playstyle wasnt bad on my run but i was lacking basics, and i admit it. It's not about being good or bad player here, just about a mistake i made, and that i totally recognize.
In addition, people here didnt blame me for bad playstyle or w/e. Just for missing something that is almost a must have.
I've done my job, was cool but could have been better (see chinese meme =) ).

I totally understand the people that were blaming me for the lack of DR breakers, and it's my job now to change this lack into an nice add of dps.

Hopefully my behavior didn’t hurt anyone, it wasn’t the goal at all I just wanted everyone to take it as a joke or w/e. It’s good to have people to put you back in your right place sometimes, cause you feel untouchable on the top of your X TRs.
You don’t judge a good player only on his toon or his performance, it’s all about many things, and I would be a really bad one if I was just saying “I don’t need DR breaker my base damage is high enough”, more dps is always more dps, and listening to people is a very important part too. I heard people here, and even some people were so mercyfull that they even sent me cold iron peshes (ty hoba ). Of course I’ll pay, but I don’t see why a basic reproach thread should end as a drama. I take this as an advice, even if I already knew it. By doing this run I improved Tarnesh’s dps for the next, and hopefully next time I’ll bring my DR breakers and link them and be proud to fight lailat with them. And maybe it’ll be with OP, we’ll joke about it, and will just be a fun story =) I wish it will be.
Maybe I’m blacklisted now, I hope not since I really meant to just joke on w/e I said or did. I’m all about joke, never meaning to hurt anyone, people get it or not, I don’t mind, I’m ok with everyone, even more with people daring telling me the truth.
So thanks Lol’ for thinking I’m that good, but mainly thanks to those people in that run that made Tarnesh better than he was.
That’s what ddo is about to me toonwise. Improving by sharing knowledge with people, even if obvious it’s always good to remind it to people like me
Last note, I’m pretty convinced Barkarne is a great player with great skills on many toons, while I’m really melee minded and can’t find DR breakers for my main… it’s always nice to be appreciated but I really have bad times hehe ^^
Let’s all hug mkay <3 =) ?