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  1. #81
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy1guy View Post
    Funny the ppl saying its not hard and they complete and pug often are multi year players or have a bunch of TR toons right in their sig. Something tells me they're the ones demanding 'YOU HAVE 40 DC RIGHT!' when they get a caster. <shrug>

    Either way its irrevelant. Pugs are vanishing fast from what i see. The only completions are for easier epics and raids or guild only groups. And even those are way down from a year ago.

    And you can blame cove too. But even cove last year didnt wipe out pugs this badly. And it should be LESS cove goin on this year given the number of people who have their stuff already.

    Plus theres a severe lack of healers going around too.

    Turbine messed up bad... And i don't even feel the need to rant about it much anymore. Turbine will do whatever turbine will do... Fix it or not. Either way i'm guessing i'll end up in starwars, neverwinter nights, skyrim, secret world, fallout online, diablo, or one of the many other games comming up. Not being a member of a giant guild means i'm getting bored mostly. And sure all those other games may have their own problems. But hey. They're NEW! And new can cover up alot of stuff for a short while and keep me entertained and busy. And that plus fun is whats important to me.
    Its true that I have been playing for years--but I also sat down and learned every aspect of the game that I could so that when I lead, I can have a pot free run. Every time something in game changes, I experiment--and right now I am learning all the benefits of Artificers, and have gone back to school on Sunder and Improved Sunder. This is why I can take 5-6 under geared pugs/casual players on any raid--and anyone can do this, one doesn't have to have played for years to learn game mechanics & strategy.

    Only 2 things I'll ever ask about DC are EDA and ecrhono and really I just ask do you have CC that works. . .cause any decent caster can still land CC with a lower DC if they have learned how to play their toon. If it is someone's first time we will suggest the combination of things that work, and adjust accordingly--such as bring another caster.

    Also, as another healer in thread stated, I also do no use RS on my cleric, and I rarely have had to pot since u11 changes--but I also learned how to heal b4 mass heal and RS, so I might understand the chain of priority/healing spells and spell point conservation better than some who just throw mass heal. I know when to leave someone dead.

    As for Scrolls-
    100 scrolls cost my 8 CHR cleric 14K
    1 major pot on the AH is 35k - 60 k on Sarlona.
    I can make 14k-20K on a shroud run BEFORE selling any ingredients usually. 14k is not that much. Don't want to shroud--run Inspired quarters, easy quests where expensive loot drops even on normal.

    When in a pug or run a newer raid, I will always scroll as much as I can in case something goes wrong, I save my sp for when bursts of healing are needed, or some quick killing of trash.

    Also, it is not just CC that is taking some of these Epics off LFMs, my guild is running back to back LOBs and MAs tonight--we usually would run 5 or 6 other raids including the standard 3 epic raids, pugging 4-6 spots. We also have people just leveling their artifcers and not doing Epics or raids at all.
    Last edited by moops; 10-07-2011 at 11:03 PM.
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

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