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  1. #41
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arshan View Post
    I got that very often too on Coaxmetal... i got even kicked from an epic BoB because i was wielding a eSOS (figure : guy 1*oh that's epic SoS ?* Me*Yup -link-* Leader *Sorry need healer* kick).
    The full interest of ddo is to me the versatility you can get with your toons. If people want you one task minded then... we can't heal stupidity can we ?
    To be fair Tarnesh, I'd always take you as a dps spot and look for another healer. Especially if your on your fvs

  2. #42
    Community Member Emag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drfirewater79 View Post
    no solo healing anymore in epic raids .. ever. .
    Eh, that's a bit dramatic. Solo healing isn't bad.
    Soulless or Die.

  3. #43
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    If it's who I think it is, their LFMs always smack of trouble/non understanding of game mechanics or strategy, so I never join them.

    That said 2200 isn't bad, its about the top end of what healbot clerics have, or a WIS based FVS that did not have a spell point item, my wis FVS has around 2650, my cleric has 1960. In EV6, one mostly just uses mass heal anyway, many times I turn off empower healing if it is the only healing spell I am using--So even melee without empower healing--which is the only healer feat imho--can do an awesome job.

    I always welcome the WF FVS/MeleeFVS because I know that they will melee while tossing out a few mass cures--which makes it easier for me when I'm on my healer to just use Mass Heal in some raids, or to time my DPS spells in other raids while not losing the lower HP people.

    As a leader, I always ask both divines and FVS if they do anything besides heal, because I can then adjust strategy to take advantage of their strong points.
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  4. #44
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    I rarely get can you come heal tells on my WF. When I cap him, he'll have his epic mask of comedy to wear, at 15 I have 2200+ sp and had the most hp in my cove group last night.

    There were several WF fvs last year running around who wouldn't heal. I tried to point them in the right direction, but they never changed and I haven't seen them for months.

    My biggest problem, I straight up forget to heal. But then I do this on my new fleshy fvs also.

  5. #45
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyHumps View Post
    So many things wrong with this post it's painful.
    Yup, that guy needs $1 to go buy a clue.

    Feat for a WF fvs

    Empower (or empower healing)
    IC slashing
    Power attack

    Either extend or adamantine body

    Offensive spells
    Blade barrier
    Divine punishment

    Every other spell is a buff, healing or a raise

    A twf build would need 3 feats to just the twf, and a higher dex. A WF go 18 strength, 18 con, 12 charisma easily. There is no need for any fvs to max charisma.

  6. #46
    Community Member Arshan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    To be fair Tarnesh, I'd always take you as a dps spot and look for another healer. Especially if your on your fvs
    *Not in the face, not in the faaaaaaaaaaaaaace*
    Tarnesh(GateauFRANCIS, Life 10/10+) / Thazok(GateauTUNES, Life 5/4) / Thaerom(GateauHJEALS, Life 3/3)
    Iccir's Badger Minsc and Boo approve this build

  7. #47
    Community Member skaltervox12's Avatar
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    Default FVS and heals

    1. Log in and go to create character.
    2. Choose FVS
    3. Roll face back and forth across keyboard until completed.
    4. ????
    5. Profit!

    You probably will be able to do some other stuff too, maybe..., but it will still heal somehow.

  8. #48
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Haven't had this in a while.

    I remember being declined for a group for an epic once - probably VON6 - after they myDDO'ed me and saw epic Claw set and epic SOS.

    Ironically, it was the same day I'd solohealed a (pre-U11) Elite Shroud. Our 'purely heal specced' Radiant Servant died to Harry's first fireball, leaving me to soloheal part 4 - which I did, and had 700 SP left afterwards. Of course, I was meleeing the whole time too.

    Empower Healing, Life Magic 4, Epic Chainmail Coif and Mass Heal give significant healing per second at incredible mana efficiency, and two Amrath belts, Maximize and all four Mass Cures allow for extraordinary burst healing.

  9. #49
    Community Member CountHenri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arshan View Post
    I got that very often too on Coaxmetal... i got even kicked from an epic BoB because i was wielding a eSOS (figure : guy 1*oh that's epic SoS ?* Me*Yup -link-* Leader *Sorry need healer* kick).
    The full interest of ddo is to me the versatility you can get with your toons. If people want you one task minded then... we can't heal stupidity can we ?
    Wow in my guild your not considered a Real FvS until you have your eSoS...

    *sigh* Shard and scroll still to go...

    Another thought occurs : having run epics where you know, between the eSoS & DP, the FvS is slamming out more DPS than the Barb AND keeping everyone alive maybe its just too damaging to their ePeen to allow this to happen...
    Member of Wanderlust
    Paulao (TR2 IP) ~ Paulbo (TR2) ~ Paulco (TR1) ~ Pauldo (TR3) ~ Pauleo (FL) ~ Paulfo (FL) ~ Paulgo (FL) ~ Paulho (TR1) ~ Pauljo (FL) ~ Paulpo (FL)

  10. #50
    Community Member skaltervox12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Haven't had this in a while.

    I remember being declined for a group for an epic once - probably VON6 - after they myDDO'ed me and saw epic Claw set and epic SOS.

    Ironically, it was the same day I'd solohealed a (pre-U11) Elite Shroud. Our 'purely heal specced' Radiant Servant died to Harry's first fireball, leaving me to soloheal part 4 - which I did, and had 700 SP left afterwards. Of course, I was meleeing the whole time too.

    Empower Healing, Life Magic 4, Epic Chainmail Coif and Mass Heal give significant healing per second at incredible mana efficiency, and two Amrath belts, Maximize and all four Mass Cures allow for extraordinary burst healing.
    Don't forget Eardweller

  11. #51
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skaltervox12 View Post
    Don't forget Eardweller
    Would you believe I still don't have it?

    What can I say - I'm lazy.

    I'd get it if people started playing low healing amp WF melees at endgame again, and Divine Punishment may also inspire me to get it, but it's not as important to me as it is to Wisdom builds that make heavy use of Bladebarrier.

    Usually I find Sup Ardor 8 is enough for MCCW, and the eCoif is enough for Mass Heal.

  12. #52
    Sketchy Adventurer aradelothion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordPiglet View Post
    My biggest problem, I straight up forget to heal.
    This. Sorry to hear you lost out on a spot OP, but I'm more sorry to say I (or someone with similar mindset/playstyle/experience) might very well be one of the reasons other people have had doubts about an FvS' ability/willingness to heal. I've long stopped running my WF melee FvS in pugs and just stick to guild groups (OP, we're in the same guild btw... thanks again for the Black Dragon Bolt scroll hehe) until I get better at healing because, while I do have the spells, I just flat out forget to check hp bars sometimes - especially with the new UI.

    And the reason for that - at least as I see it - is that it's so frikkin' easy to bash face and solo the lower levels that I never really got to do/master all the things that a dedicated healer does, like conserving sp for others, watching hp bars, buffing, etc. I don't think I've grouped an appreciable amount of time with my FvS after Korthos until I reached Gianthold.

    So now I'm spending time learning which cure to throw when, and how much, when to hold back, or coordinate with another healer, before I take my divine out pugging again, just so I know what to do when I have to. But most times? I'd still rather smash face

  13. #53
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Default asdf

    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    was it a ranger with a splash that turned you down? seems there's a few threads going around now...
    I expect it's the same guy who's on Khyber, trying to fill raids with what he regards as 'acceptable' builds. I think he's from WoW where party roles are much more exclusive.

    Does this sound like the same guy to you?
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  14. #54
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aradelothion View Post
    This. Sorry to hear you lost out on a spot OP, but I'm more sorry to say I (or someone with similar mindset/playstyle/experience) might very well be one of the reasons other people have had doubts about an FvS' ability/willingness to heal. I've long stopped running my WF melee FvS in pugs and just stick to guild groups (OP, we're in the same guild btw... thanks again for the Black Dragon Bolt scroll hehe) until I get better at healing because, while I do have the spells, I just flat out forget to check hp bars sometimes - especially with the new UI.

    And the reason for that - at least as I see it - is that it's so frikkin' easy to bash face and solo the lower levels that I never really got to do/master all the things that a dedicated healer does, like conserving sp for others, watching hp bars, buffing, etc. I don't think I've grouped an appreciable amount of time with my FvS after Korthos until I reached Gianthold.

    So now I'm spending time learning which cure to throw when, and how much, when to hold back, or coordinate with another healer, before I take my divine out pugging again, just so I know what to do when I have to. But most times? I'd still rather smash face
    In that case, I highly recommend PUGging some elite quests.

  15. #55
    Community Member Aegnore's Avatar
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    Well I cant blame them anyway especially with the u11 changes...
    I just dont like it when people starts to "box" WF fvs as classes who cant heal or just plain DPS... - thats just plain bull.. -_-

    I wonder what will happen once the FvS Melee PrE is released....
    Eggnor MD - Favored Soul, Lord of the Blades / Aegnorr - Wizard, Palemaster

    I can't Heal Squishiness.

  16. #56
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arshan View Post
    I got that very often too on Coaxmetal... i got even kicked from an epic BoB because i was wielding a eSOS (figure : guy 1*oh that's epic SoS ?* Me*Yup -link-* Leader *Sorry need healer* kick).
    The full interest of ddo is to me the versatility you can get with your toons. If people want you one task minded then... we can't heal stupidity can we ?
    "Sorry, need a competent leader who isn't a n00b, /squelched."
    *drop group*
    *squelch n00b*

  17. #57
    Community Member Rhev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fTdOmen View Post
    To be fair Tarnesh, I'd always take you as a dps spot and look for another healer. Especially if your on your fvs
    I know for a while I seemed to be his co-healer. Both of us spent as much time in mobs faces as we did healing. It was fun.
    Azrim 20 Rogue Ilyrial 20 Wizard Lykurgos 20 Favored Soul

  18. #58
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aradelothion View Post
    This. Sorry to hear you lost out on a spot OP, but I'm more sorry to say I (or someone with similar mindset/playstyle/experience) might very well be one of the reasons other people have had doubts about an FvS' ability/willingness to heal. I've long stopped running my WF melee FvS in pugs and just stick to guild groups (OP, we're in the same guild btw... thanks again for the Black Dragon Bolt scroll hehe) until I get better at healing because, while I do have the spells, I just flat out forget to check hp bars sometimes - especially with the new UI.

    And the reason for that - at least as I see it - is that it's so frikkin' easy to bash face and solo the lower levels that I never really got to do/master all the things that a dedicated healer does, like conserving sp for others, watching hp bars, buffing, etc. I don't think I've grouped an appreciable amount of time with my FvS after Korthos until I reached Gianthold.

    So now I'm spending time learning which cure to throw when, and how much, when to hold back, or coordinate with another healer, before I take my divine out pugging again, just so I know what to do when I have to. But most times? I'd still rather smash face
    That's part of it, the biggest part is frankly, there are some squishy people out there. My FVS should not have the highest HP in the party, that includes other TR's, including a fighter. I shouldn't have 200 more hp then the 14 cleric and 100 more hp over the other cleric when I only have a +4 con and greater false life on (not even toughness). I couldn't even take the toughness feat until 15 so it's not like I used up a ton of points on toughness enhancements.

    I mass heal, cure on myself 90% of the time. I'm smashing stuff in the face, gear swapping, blade barriering, dping my way through content. I carry multiple greatswords (still trying for SoS and some various shards), ardor clickie, brilliance clickie, potency vi weapon, etc etc. I carry pots, scrolls, wands. There's a ton of squishies who apparently can't even carry pots, let alone 1/2 the weapon selection I have along with everything else I want/need to get the job done. I don't really have the patience to nanny and frankly, I'm much better at getting it done when I can bash face and mass on myself. I'll even generally be nice and let you know my expectations and mass are on me. I might even get rid of poison, etc etc, but will remind you to buy pots. Maybe I should change my bio to include "Stay with me if you want to live"

    Heck, it was sad when my lowbie fvs steps into a party and she has more then everyone.

  19. #59
    Hero LordPiglet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegnore View Post
    Well I cant blame them anyway especially with the u11 changes...
    I just dont like it when people starts to "box" WF fvs as classes who cant heal or just plain DPS... - thats just plain bull.. -_-

    I wonder what will happen once the FvS Melee PrE is released....
    There will be much rejoicing and cussing since we'll have to take that stupid Bladesworn Transformation for Tier II

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