Can we see the fix for this feat? It's kinda neat but way to slow and breaks attack sequence. If it would have the speed of supreme cleave, it would be great.
Can we see the fix for this feat? It's kinda neat but way to slow and breaks attack sequence. If it would have the speed of supreme cleave, it would be great.
Well, it'd be nice if they fix Cleave and Great Cleave along with Whirlwind.
And Supreme Cleave even could use some tweaks too (buffs and nerfs).
well in my head
to fix it it needs to have both hands hitting wen you whirlwind
i had this feat back at level 12 cap and was very disapointed that my twf was only getting one hit instead of both hands hitting
considering it shares feats with tempest it really should be both hands hitting
I agree, this would go a long way of adding some sexiness back to tempests. Perhaps make it so that it affects all attacks in the next 1-2 second(s) applying the damage to all monsters around you and for more awesomeness, apply tactics used during that time to all enemies around you, too. Whirlwind attack is such an iconic pnp feat, it's sad that it's not really worth using in DDO.
i cant say ide agree with that
whirlwind and cleave are two very different things for 1
and really why should cleave with power attack as a pre req have such a powerful effect
whirlwind takes dodge mobility spring attack and combat expertize to get
that is a much larger investment then cleave
Cleave should have a powerful effect because
1. It's a feat, which is costly.
2. It's a melee thing, and melees could use help.
3. It's an AOE thing, and melee people need help with AOE.
4. It's an active melee ability, and the game needs more interesting active abilities for melee.
That justifies Whirlwind being better than Cleave, but not Cleave being weak.
Just add in the air elemental launch you across the room effect and I'll be good with it.
Heck, make it a % chance or give it a dc, and I would still enjoy it.
Well, it's acceptable for the Cleave button to lower your DPS if there's only one enemy in reach: that way players need to be paying attention to what they click, instead of blindly Cleaving without watching.
But if you do have 2+ enemies, then Cleave should definitely be a DPS gain... by a lot. And in addition to that simple criteria, clicking Cleave should not become relatively worse DPS as you progress.
The current situation is that players get faster and faster speed of regular attacks as they level up. But Cleave stays the same length... so the cost in skipped regular attacks when you do a Cleave gets higher and higher, so having and using the Cleave feat becomes relatively less valuable.
What they should do is change Cleave (and everything similar) so that it benefits from all factors that raise the speed of regular attacks.
see now this i agree with it is a slower attack and should be sped up into all the normal swing chains
as for cleave procign offhand i still say it would be to pwerful for one feat but that isnt to say supreme cleave or great cleave both with more pre reqs shouldnt have some sorta off hand proc chance
and whirlwind definately needs something it was the crown ina pnp game and im not possitive but isnt whirlwind the biggest prerq feat in game?
Not having used whirlwind for 2 + years, does anyone on Lama have it? and if so, are there any improvements?
The original version was a waste of a feat.
Would be nice if whirlwind would give u 100% glancing blow with any weapons u're using for a couple of seconds with a high cd
Illendar Of Sarlona
I'd like to see whirlwind as a manyshot type boost where for 20 seconds you have a full 360 degree cleaving attack with offhand proc chances and glancing blows attached to each attack. Also works with individually activated attacks within the 20 seconds like stunning blow, monk attacks, trip, etc.
Yes it should be pretty strong it has a huge requirement. This should be the melee wail of the banshee.