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  1. #1
    Community Member Janth's Avatar
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    Default First time leading a shroud raid

    So had the star for the first time last night. Logged in on Khyber and looked for a shroud. I guess everyone else was in CC so I set up a LFM with just shroud normal (I was a little nervous after reading the forums, but thought "how bad can it be?").

    Added whoever clicked to joined. It filled quickly. Ended up with (from memory) a couple of FvS, a wiz, 3 rogues, a couple of artificers, a couple of fighters and several were split class dps types. We went in a man down.

    It was awesome. We laughed at how the rogues had been turned down earlier because they were no longer dps. Talked a little about the FvS debuff and artificer pets.

    Everything went great... Killed bosses and crystal first attempt. After my puzzle, I did 1 lap knocking doors and started running water. I put water in 1 fountain before they were all purified. Harry was 1 round.

    Again awesomeness as people were trading ingredients.

    At any rate, it was close to if not the best shroud I have ever been a part of. I think mostly because we were joking around. It was particularly funny when a dog killed the boss we were saving in the last fight. We let him keep going because we wanted to see what kind of dps they could.

    Thanks to those that joined a pug!
    Last edited by Janth; 10-05-2011 at 09:18 AM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Community Member SoloPhalanx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janth View Post
    Logged in on Khyber
    I knew this would go well. All hail us Khyberians

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