So I've been 20 for awhile but ran little to no raids mostly because the game seems so mature and I have no real understanding of the raids and how they work. I think I have about the best I can get with regular instance drops (minus any devils battlefield stuff), but feel a little clueless what to focus on next. I tiered up the bp and orn dagger from cove and kept ring at entry, archmage hat. Hoping for a little direction in what I really should be pursuing next.
str: 15 +5enh
dex: 20 +6enh
con: 18 +2 tome +6 enh
int: 10
wis: 34 +2 tome +7enh
cha: 25 +2 tome +6enh
hp: 372 mana: 2073
Feat-wise, I feel the heal-bot term may suit my most - "i know there is so much more I could do' current feats are: extend, emp heal, toughness, mental tough, imp mental tough, spell pen, quicken
enhancements: pretty standard radiant soul build
I'm trying to find information about the entry shroud raid, what to do, where not to stand in encounters, etc as well as what to start building up - no idea? Any advice on what is next in the game? Thanks so much for any input!