Hello Khyber,
Returning to DDO after about a year's break and hoping to join up with some decent players interested in group play. I am not a DDO expert (hit 20 on my cleric and didn't go much further), but a very good overall gamer with a lot of MMO experience (FFXI, FFXIV, SW:G, WoW) including guild leadership and leading hard mode raids for my 10 man WoW guild through WotLK. I most enjoy playing as a healer and have been thinking about TR'ing my cleric for another go around, but would like to find some other dedicated players before doing so.
While I can promise to be a quick learner and provide a solid contributor to group play, my DDO knowledge is not vast and would need some help with some of the simpler things (IE: Crafting, raid encounter walkthroughs, "What do I need to get into CC?", etc...). I am willing to do research outside of online play (usually at work, where I am typing this). I am available most nights (6PM-12PM EST) as well as weekends, but looking to start in a more casual environment than anything with a hardcore raiding schedule.