Episode 236 is ready! Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.

This week Sig and Anne chat about the latest Drama-Lama, +3 Tomes in the DDO store! And we have a Crunchy Bits Build for Artificers (Finally!) We got some mighty fine segments: Eberronian Chef with Adan, Back to the Lab with Strype, and a DDO Top 10 with Rheebus the Rogue! We also have a super sized mail bag just in from the Lightning Post.

Today’s Music is PIECES OF EIGHT by CAPTAIN BOGG & SALTY an Oregon based Pirate Rock Band off their album PEGLEG TANGO. You can buy their album on Amazon or visit their website at http://boggandsalty.com/


DDOcast Episode 236 (10-01-11)

0:00:36 Intro
0:01:49 DDO Game News
0:11:22 Sponsor Break
0:13:19 DDO Round Table: +3 Tomes in Store
0:21:52 DDO Top 10 with Rheebus the Rogue
0:24:26 Eberronian Chef with Adan
0:26:42 Back to the Lab with Strype McClaine
0:37:27 What are We Doing in DDO?
0:38:39 DDO Community News
0:44:06 Crunchy Bits: Artificer Build
0:55:35 Lighting Post: Newbie advice, Epics, Mabar Nerf & No-Drama Plz!
1:14:18 General Gaming News
1:17:42 Closing


TOTAL TIME: 1:19:10


LINK for Crystal Cove is back! Now thru Oct 9th

LINK for Known Issues post U11 Patch 1

LINK for Eladrin on Artificer & Augment Summoning

LINK for Eberronian Chef Website

LINK for +3 Tomes in the DDO Store

LINK for Account Security Reminder

LINK for Power cell drop rate to increase

LINK for DDO Store Sales

LINK for Airzlyn has created a dance track featuring kobold voice work from Crystal Cove!

LINK for Shade’s Guide to Euphonia’s Challenge - Treasure of Crystal Cove

LINK for DDO Quarterly Wall Papers

LINK for Crafting with Courtney: Lucky and Angry, and imbues a Shard of Good Luck onto Khyber’s Fury

LINK for The Eberron Chronicle

LINK for DDM’sRealms’ Master Torches in the Crystal Cove Special Event

LINK for DDOWiki Trouble!

LINK for Wayfinder struggles to unlock Crystal Cove

LINK for Freakonomics Podcast: The Upside of Quitting

LINK for LOTRO’s Rise of Isengard Expantion now Live

LINK for “City of Heros: Freedom” Free-to-Play goes live

LINK for Star Wars: The Old Subscription Model


You can find DDOcast on Twitter, Facebook, iTunes, DDOcast RSS Feed, and UStream.


Hotline for Voicemail and Live Calls: (650) 336-5424 Yes that's (650) DDO-LICH
Email: ddocast@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ddocast.com
DDO Forum Names: Theris and Sigtrent


Sig and Anne