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  1. #1
    Community Member Boromirs's Avatar
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    Default Turbine: Congratulations.(new content)

    Excellent work on the new content.

    Visuals/art:A+, details from the bosses to quests in general have been raised a lot,so much so that I'm actually afraid it won't be topped.

    Items: obvious power creep problems appearing. Alchemical crafting has effectively set the new min Max standard. Becareful not to alienate previous content,regardless if you are not getting new players and thus no new rev from older packs there are still a ton of players who still have not bought them yet.

    Difficulty: Increase the difficulty, on right track with LoB but would like to see content where its just impossible for players to eventually game the raid so to speak.Chance of failure even for vet players should be greater then 80%. Give us some major challenge please.

  2. #2
    Community Member altrocks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boromirs View Post
    Excellent work on the new content.

    Visuals/art:A+, details from the bosses to quests in general have been raised a lot,so much so that I'm actually afraid it won't be topped.
    Agreed. The new stuff looks amazing.

    Items: obvious power creep problems appearing. Alchemical crafting has effectively set the new min Max standard. Becareful not to alienate previous content,regardless if you are not getting new players and thus no new rev from older packs there are still a ton of players who still have not bought them yet.
    Greensteel and/or cannith crafting will always be useful and a pre-req for getting into harder raids at end-game, like LoB/MA, and THEN you can get your Alchemical weapons (if you want find a successful group to join with for a few months). I have no problem with them adding in much better end-game loot like this. That's where the major power should be, no in ML:12 weapons like GS.

    Difficulty: Increase the difficulty, on right track with LoB but would like to see content where its just impossible for players to eventually game the raid so to speak.Chance of failure even for vet players should be greater then 80%. Give us some major challenge please.
    I saw enough complaining about how hard MA/LoB was in the first couple weeks of U11 and the failure rate for those is nowhere near 80%. If there was a raid that was so hard it failed 80% of the time, you'd hardly ever see people running it unless it gave out the most uber loot in the game (and then you'd just get lots of power gamers grinding it out and not much else). Look at Abbot and Titan. They're both pains to flag for and/or have a somewhat high failure rate. Almost no one runs Titan because the loot drops just aren't that good. Abbot is run a bit more frequently because of the loot in there, but it's also a major source of frustration in the game (lag a little in the mini-game-puzzles and you all fail, get a bad inferno/encasement proc and you fail, all after waiting forever to get a group and maybe trying 7 or 8 times).

    What we need is for Epic Von5 to have better loot for the length of it and have it return to its old state where Trap DC's were in the 70's. That Raid is the best designed one in the game, IMO. At-level, it's amazing. On Epic, currently, it's somewhat disappointing. Even so, people still don't run it. Difficulty is not that attractive to most players it seems.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    as for voice actors I wanted Betty White for Lolth but I got voted down.
    Khyber: Alelric - Wiz 5 (Hero), Arayaleth - Ranger 20 AA (Champion), Altrocks - Cleric 20 Radiant Servant (Champion), Zinnix - Rogue 20 Assassin (Champion)

  3. #3
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by altrocks View Post
    Agreed. The new stuff looks amazing.

    Greensteel and/or cannith crafting will always be useful and a pre-req for getting into harder raids at end-game, like LoB/MA, and THEN you can get your Alchemical weapons (if you want find a successful group to join with for a few months). I have no problem with them adding in much better end-game loot like this. That's where the major power should be, no in ML:12 weapons like GS.

    I saw enough complaining about how hard MA/LoB was in the first couple weeks of U11 and the failure rate for those is nowhere near 80%. If there was a raid that was so hard it failed 80% of the time, you'd hardly ever see people running it unless it gave out the most uber loot in the game (and then you'd just get lots of power gamers grinding it out and not much else). Look at Abbot and Titan. They're both pains to flag for and/or have a somewhat high failure rate. Almost no one runs Titan because the loot drops just aren't that good. Abbot is run a bit more frequently because of the loot in there, but it's also a major source of frustration in the game (lag a little in the mini-game-puzzles and you all fail, get a bad inferno/encasement proc and you fail, all after waiting forever to get a group and maybe trying 7 or 8 times).

    What we need is for Epic Von5 to have better loot for the length of it and have it return to its old state where Trap DC's were in the 70's. That Raid is the best designed one in the game, IMO. At-level, it's amazing. On Epic, currently, it's somewhat disappointing. Even so, people still don't run it. Difficulty is not that attractive to most players it seems.
    eVON5 is actually pretty easy, just shrine starved.

    Pre-U9 it was a real marathon with all the 10k HP trash - now that trash can be wailed/Undeath2Death'ed, there's only about three difficult rooms in the whole quest. The rest of it is just about SP conservation.

    People don't run it because they are intimidated by how long it took pre-U9, but if people knew it as well as they know other epics it could be PUGged in 35-45 min.

  4. #4
    Community Member altrocks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    eVON5 is actually pretty easy, just shrine starved.

    Pre-U9 it was a real marathon with all the 10k HP trash - now that trash can be wailed/Undeath2Death'ed, there's only about three difficult rooms in the whole quest. The rest of it is just about SP conservation.

    People don't run it because they are intimidated by how long it took pre-U9, but if people knew it as well as they know other epics it could be PUGged in 35-45 min.
    True. It constantly amazes me how many times I've been in a norm Von5 on the way to epic dragon and there's exactly 3 people actually doing anything to complete the quest because the rest have no clue what to do. I still think it's probably the most well-balanced and fun raid in the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    as for voice actors I wanted Betty White for Lolth but I got voted down.
    Khyber: Alelric - Wiz 5 (Hero), Arayaleth - Ranger 20 AA (Champion), Altrocks - Cleric 20 Radiant Servant (Champion), Zinnix - Rogue 20 Assassin (Champion)

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