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  1. #1
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    Default Intersting questions about PVP

    Hi friends,

    Yestesrday i was pvping in the arena end i have some questions:

    1) Had a Barbarian wyth complete immunity for magic damage. Every time i attack him with magic appears a purple shield torward him. What is that ?

    2) Why sorcers take me 1000 damage with desintegrate end a take 200 of them?

    Thanks all

  2. #2
    Community Member Bodic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    Hi friends,

    Yestesrday i was pvping in the arena end i have some questions:

    1) Had a Barbarian wyth complete immunity for magic damage. Every time i attack him with magic appears a purple shield torward him. What is that ? Depends on what you were casting, but as a common thought a IOUN stone

    2) Why sorcers take me 1000 damage with desintegrate end a take 200 of them?
    I don't understand this question.
    Thanks all
    In red

  3. #3
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    1) This item make imune to magic? Nothing works, finger of death, desintegrate, scorching ray...nothing oO

    2) Why sorcers take me 1000 damage with desintegrate end a take 200 of them?
    I don't understand this question.
    Im sorcer lvl 20 and my oponent too. When he uses desintegrate in me i siffer 100 damage, and when i use in he, he have only 200 damage.

  4. #4
    Community Member FrozenNova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    1) This item make imune to magic? Nothing works, finger of death, desintegrate, scorching ray...nothing oO

    2) Why sorcers take me 1000 damage with desintegrate end a take 200 of them?
    I don't understand this question.
    Im sorcer lvl 20 and my oponent too. When he uses desintegrate in me i siffer 100 damage, and when i use in he, he have only 200 damage.
    The pale lavender ioun stone absorbs 50 spell levels of hostile effects. Hit him with high level rapid fire spells to drain it.

    Disintegrate deals terrible damage on a successful save.

  5. #5
    Community Member Vazok1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    Hi friends,

    Yestesrday i was pvping in the arena end i have some questions:

    1) Had a Barbarian wyth complete immunity for magic damage. Every time i attack him with magic appears a purple shield torward him. What is that ?
    Spell Absorbtion. this will absorb a certain amount of incoming spells if a person is wearing the item
    for example:

    this item has 5 charges of spell absorbtion, there for will absorb 5 spells

    EDIT: a good way to get past these is 'meteor swarm'

    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    2) Why sorcers take me 1000 damage with desintegrate end a take 200 of them?

    Thanks all
    the 'force' enhancement line affects disintegrate damage, also potency. these will raise the damage considerably.
    Also he may have saved vs your disintegrate

  6. #6
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    1) But this iouns stone only have 15 charges day, he was stopped in the center of arena dont taking damage...very strange.

    2) Ok i really dont have force specialization.

  7. #7
    Community Member FrozenNova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    1) But this iouns stone only have 15 charges day, he was stopped in the center of arena dont taking damage...very strange.

    2) Ok i really dont have force specialization.
    It recharges 15/day.
    Its max charge is 50.

  8. #8
    Community Member wigthemaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    1) But this iouns stone only have 15 charges day, he was stopped in the center of arena dont taking damage...very strange.

    2) Ok i really dont have force specialization.
    if you were casting death spells could've been deathward/block but that's a symbol over his/her head, if you casted magic missle then it could've been a nightshield clickie.

  9. #9
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    And where can i drop this ioun stone ?

  10. #10
    Community Member Soulstabber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    Hi friends,

    Yestesrday i was pvping in the arena end i have some questions:

    1) Had a Barbarian wyth complete immunity for magic damage. Every time i attack him with magic appears a purple shield torward him. What is that ?

    2) Why sorcers take me 1000 damage with desintegrate end a take 200 of them?

    Thanks all
    1- Depends on what do you mean by purple shield and magic damage, if you try to hit someone with magic missile /chain missile and he has nightshield/shield spell (the barb could have used a clicky) that animation will keep appearing and you wont do any damage. If it was kinda like a blue thing near his feet while you casted something with a spell penetration check he could have have a Spell Resistance item or divine buff.
    Also he could be using a mantle / pale ioun stone or the Battered Phiarlan Shield, which we can't know based on your description. If its a Pale ioun stone he will have something floating around his head, Phiarlan shield has an unique look and works for enchantment spells only, and mantle you cant see but it only has 5 charges, so starting off with a magic missile will deplete it.

    2- You are not using your char potential to the maximum. thats why
    If you have to ask, i can probaly assume you don't have an eardweller (+100% dmg to all spells for 1 minute, 3 charges), also a major lore will increase your crit chance and crit dmg... or you can use arcane lore items, to give all spells +crit chance/dmg, such as Greenblade from ADQ or ToD set.
    So the maximum dmg on spells would be: Eardweller + Enhacement line for the spell you casting and Major lore for that type + Maximize feat + Empower feat + Sorc Capstone
    Also, in some cases where the dmg of the spell is not capped by your level, you can use Epic Abishai set to increase your caster lvl, which will also be stronger... just adding this information since we are talking about dmg =P

    If you are using your char to the maximum, which I doubt since you are making those questions, he could have also have saved on your disintegration since it has a fortitude save, and you failed on his.
    Last edited by Soulstabber; 10-02-2011 at 12:20 PM.

  11. #11
    Community Member anto_capone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulstabber View Post
    If its a Pale ioun stone he will have something floating around his head,
    Just to further clarify, if someone has an ioun stone it will appear as if a tiny comet is orbiting their head. Best spell to drain the 50 charges of that would be meteor swarm, ice storm, or any spell that has multiple attacks in it.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    And where can i drop this ioun stone ?
    It's very rare. Don't try to farm it.

    There are three other sources of magic-absorption.

    Mantle of the Worldshaper, from the Ruins of Threnal Chain. It will absorb 5 spells before depleting. Recharges 1/day.

    Epic Philarian Mirror Cloak. Same as above.

    Scarab of Spell Absorption. Don't use this in PvP, they're rare and better saved for things like eChrono Abishais.

  13. #13
    Community Member spunkrawker's Avatar
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    Brooch of Shielding, maybe (if it was just deflecting magic missile)

    Last edited by spunkrawker; 10-02-2011 at 06:02 PM.
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  14. #14
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddo1985 View Post
    1) But this iouns stone only have 15 charges day, he was stopped in the center of arena dont taking damage...very strange.

    It is also important to remember a "day" isn't really a day, but a rest. (use of a rest shrine)... In a tavern, "a day" is about what 60 sec? so five minutes, what it would take to heal most barbarians to full health, the stone could recharge fully...
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