Skullkrusher - Completionist Barbarian. Skullastic, Skullslaw, Spirrit, Krizz, Vyndictive, Mystikall, Poizun, Tolbor, Pyrro
Thanks to the cove, I'm stalled out at about 97 at 9th level. Looking forward to seeing how far it'll go, tho.
Akrites: 10 Wiz (TRed Bard), Oakianus: 20 Wiz and Odanta: 20 Monk. All on Khyber, because I love drama.
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
I'm a double TR(well triple) and So far lvl 6 with min repeating of quests, did a couple a few times but it was more to help a friend or be social then it was to farm(Durks 4 times total think that was it). Thats with the Elite Streaking and the 20% xp going now right now. Also I just hit 6 and still have about 5 more quests I need to get done before I level so I can get more Streaks =) Currently at 38.
I'd say with Elite Streaking and some xp pots you wont have to xp farm like we used to(Deleras till dry, shadow crypt till dry, wiz king, etc etc) but I still see us doing a few quests more then once.
i'm in the same ballpark, 170ish. But only rank 81. I'm currently still in gianthold, having not done anything in the orchard yet. thinking I'll hit 18 from necro, and 19 from the vale. all of that is easy. 19-20 should be interesting tho keeping the bonus going.
Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]
Here's my experience as a TR 2 up to a streak of 222 for level Rank 83 with minimal repetition.
I've just remembered I also farmed out Mentau's side of Litany until ransack, and Ghosts of Perdition with the optional until ransack (Necropolis rune arm theory).
Aside from that there's a pretty exhaustive listing of the only quests I did more than once on elite. No way you could hit 20 without repeating, but at least for your first post U11 TR you can rune arm farm!
Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
Every time you enter and complete a quest for the first time on Elite while within 2 levels of the level of the quest on Normal, your Hard and Elite streak will increase by one.
Every time you enter and complete a quest for the first time on Hard while within 2 levels of the level of the quest on Normal, your Hard streak will increase by one and your Elite streak will End.
Every time you enter and complete a quest for the first time on a difficulty of Casual or Normal, your streak will End.
Entering a quest after completing it once on Elite or Hard will Suppress but not End your streak.
Entering a quest on Elite but not within 2 levels of the quest on normal will Suppress but not End your streak.
Your entire party must meet the level requirements in order for your streak to advance, though it need not be their first time completing the quest.
Experience for Hard and Elite both cap after a streak of 5. If your elite and hard streaks are at different numbers, the most beneficial of the two will be used. (An Elite of 4 is more XP than a Hard of 52, so they'd use the Elite 4 to calculate your bonus XP)
if you are on a elite streak finishing a quest on hard or normal will end the elite streak.
if you are on a hard streak finishing a quest on normal will end the hard streak, and finishing a quest on elite will put the counter on both streaks up by 1.
and of course finishing a quest on the streak you are on will normally up the counter by 1.
edit: sniped with a more detailed explanation
Jackovall (Completionist Wizard - Life 23/23) -- Gilders PDK Tree build (Life 8/8) -- Zogdor PDK Rogue Mechanic (Life 10/10) -- Taykare Pure Warlock (Life 14/14) -- Sheo Bladeforged Rogue Mechanic (life 12/12) --
Double Deviants
I was a completionist before the Atrificer came along. I just finished the Artificer life last night and tr'd for my completionist again. We ran most quests elite and moved on. We farmed a few (VON3, Shadow Crypt, Wiz King), ran a few elite, hard, normal and moved on. Learned quite a bit about the bravery streak and how to better use it to level a little faster. This life will will be my last until they add another class so I will be doing everything on elite anyway. I think there is enough xp in the game to level with minimal repetition.
Skullkrusher - Completionist Barbarian. Skullastic, Skullslaw, Spirrit, Krizz, Vyndictive, Mystikall, Poizun, Tolbor, Pyrro
Up to mid 50's on my 3rd life just out of tangleroot. Climbing fast.
The Hand of the Black Tower - Khyber(Aundair)
Characters: Samond Kelav Zebonus
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Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
The Hand of the Black Tower - Khyber(Aundair)
Characters: Samond Kelav Zebonus
Barrage Comparison Epic Crafting DDO Wiki DDO Maps
The big thing is that it makes a lot of quests worth doing once that before you just skipped. It also makes for some huge numbers on the Pre-Raids (42k without an XP pot for VON5 will see about TF tonight).
As an example, we ran Enemy Within last night (1st time in years) and it netted 22K. It is pretty good for keeping you from tearing your eyeballs out from repetition.
Last edited by jkm; 10-03-2011 at 06:43 PM.
Skullkrusher - Completionist Barbarian. Skullastic, Skullslaw, Spirrit, Krizz, Vyndictive, Mystikall, Poizun, Tolbor, Pyrro