Hey all,

I have decided to test the waters back in DDO and am wondering what guilds out there are recruiting.

I was in the beta and launch, but haven't played a whole lot since then. I am a huge fan of D&D and even program and run my own OGL rules text based multiplayer rpg (MUD) when time permits.

I've come back a few times, but I've never been able to find an active guild, and thus the lack of socializing always caused me to lose interest. I know such will be the case this time if I can't find some people to play with, but I really loved this game in beta and launch when I had good people to play with, and so I'm really hoping I can find a good group again.

The only real criteria I have for a guild is that they have an active base with people on most hours of the day, that the people be friendly and relatively mature, and that swearing and other vulgarity not be commonplace.

My toons are on argonesson but I never got them very high, so I would be willing to start over again on another server.

Thanks all for your consideration,
