I honestly just cannot figure out a way to make a tank that works (for me) going pure Pally.. The feats are KILLING me.

Honestly, I think Pallys need 1 or 2 bonus feats. BUT, make them at like level 7 and 19 or something so it's not just a splash thing. The list of bonus feats could be small.. Or maybe make it like ranger where you get free feats based on prereqs or something.

By not going pure, pallys are losing 3.5-7 points of damage PER SWING, PLUS 2d6 less on divine sacrifice (requires 19 lvls). That's a lot of damage you're giving up for some feats and/or evasion. I mean consider that epic claw gives you only +4 damage.. You'd lose double that just to get the feats to make it workable.

Someone please prove me wrong and give me their pure pally build that goes twf (peshes?) and still tanks leet Horoth and maybe more. This is what I'm looking for. I guess I'm thinking about an AC build.. Maybe that's my problem.

I'm picturing a high AC DoS with a solid tfw DPS mode.. But maybe I want my cake and to eat it too?

Imp Crit

Now you get 1 feat for Shield Mastery, CE, Extend, Maximize, Quicken.

AND THEN the APs are tight as heck too...

I just can't get comfortable with a pure pally. Someone link a build that is working for them please.