Bradt: 19bard/1fighter| thedungeons: 17clr/2sorc/1wiz
recifitraa: 20 artificer | nasuadax 12 pal/6monk/2rog
Your calculations are incorrect.
All subtraction takes place in damage mitigation before any percent reduction from absorbtion or dungeon scaling.
Your 30 (or 120) is taken off first and then your absorbtion is applied.
Also, your 60% is incorrect. You don't add up the absorbtion to get the final percentage. You multiply the percentages together.
0.9 * 0.85 * 0.8 = 61.2%
It's not a big difference with just a Shroud absorbtion item, but it makes a HUGE difference with a couple of stacking Fire Shield effects and a Fire or Cold absorbtion item.
could someone plz, PLEASE shut this useless and mindblasted thread finally?
id rank it in the most useless created ever place 1 to 20 at least!!!
R.I.P. Devourer - 20-Aug-2010 11:00 GMT(+1 DST)
(World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Farewell to all our loyal players and thank you for your time in Eberron. We wish you all the best for your future adventures. Please log out now as the servers are now going down. Many thanks, Codemasters Online.'
***Ghallanda Rerolled*** *Yvonnel-1* "Peinlicher" Sylestria-1 Jarlaxle-1 Sammaster-1 Zapp-1
formerly Dorn / Devourer - EU
Heytoi would be correct if I actually made that quote. He took the quote out of a post where a 20 sorc asked how to gear up well for pvp, I replied: For sorcerers, only tukaw builds can be real good pvp'ers. But he just cut the 'for sorcerers' and changed it slightly.
That's where Heytoi is incorrect
The reason why only tukaw sorcerers can be good sorcerer pvp'ers is due to saves. The saves of the other builds are that poor that a wizard simply hypno, TTS etc. a monk simply kukan-do's. A ranger could kill a regular sorc all day etc.
So whatever Heytoi quote's of me: do not believe it, it is probably untrue
Bradt: 19bard/1fighter| thedungeons: 17clr/2sorc/1wiz
recifitraa: 20 artificer | nasuadax 12 pal/6monk/2rog
My 60% was an average. I didn't make the sum because that would give 55%
One more mistake he made: bdb doesn't hit 400 on a regular hit, but only like 250.
Minus 30 that is 220, with 61% of it left that makes like 130, maybe slightly more.
Not really a reason to be in danger...
Bradt: 19bard/1fighter| thedungeons: 17clr/2sorc/1wiz
recifitraa: 20 artificer | nasuadax 12 pal/6monk/2rog
Of course a sorcerer could kill 300 barbarians. Lay down a maximized, empowered fire trap and stand on the other side of it. Barbarians LOVE traps!
yeah a well played sorc can kill a barb with 300 hp.
*re-reads title*
Homer: "Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."
26d3*(1+1.2(ED and sorc capstone, i'm guessing it goes here)+.5(Enhancements))*(2.5(Max and Empower)
26d3 is average 52. 52*2.7=140.4*2.5=351. Not quite my 400, but it can go higher with decent damage rolls.
Crits are 21%, x2.75. 3 ticks, after two full bdb's one tick is likely to crit.
On a side note, why would you make an acid absorb GS? That is almost never useful except in pvp. Those ings could be used for far more useful things.
On a side side note, my 18 sorc/2monk can hit 33 reflex self buffed, and with Holy aura and recitation its 39 iirc, lucky cape from my fellow arti's brings it up to 40.
Ahh, makes me think of this time doing an elite Reaver Fate. Someone needed to tank him until all the skulls were lit, and the monk volunteered stating that he was "an easy heal as he had over 700% healing amp". Can't even begin to think what math got him that number, or he thought the exaggeration made him sound cool.
However, never, I'll PVP your lvl 20 Sorc 1v1 against my lvl 20 Barb any day. And that's with my barb being first life and very poorly geared (no epic gear, no t3 GS, no cannith weapons).
I used to PvP all the time on a melee barbarian for kicks, and throwers are half the reason why I could win against ranged characters. Not that throwers themselves could kill anything, but they were an amazing distraction that required them to constantly be healing themselves instead of hitting me.
That and I'd only ever PvP in house D, which is inherently favorable to melee characters.
Last edited by TheDjinnFor; 02-08-2012 at 07:34 PM.
Anyways,Barbs not gotta hold anything spicel;
Lets say it`s even a one barb.
You stand at stash,I come to you tho the creats up there,Even without spell absoration,With sprint boost and such-You have 3 seconds to cast a spell.Afew options.
mass hold-Not a bad choice.hay brow,You forgot i`m a warfoge.
Wail:Oh oh.Sorry.70 fortitude save.Oops.
Magic missle:Gets my spell absorb-Tho-I hav`nt saw anybody scoring more then 700 at 1 MM ; )
Power word killW googles,Or any DB item.And cya in hell
Summon monster:Sorry,You`re tripped with GS greataxe doing around 700 demage per swing b4 you end casting it.
Meteor swarm:Afew options.Maybe fire absoration,Maybe the fact that till all the swarm will come i`ll be there,or maybe sometimes it`s 2 low demage.You can also count on that i got afew HPs right there.Thats your best choice.
Neg level:Warfoge-Screw you.
Stoneskin:700-10=690,Thats only the trip.And i also assume we all got Min II greataxe.
Some wierdows would may pick iresistable dance.Yea,Thats an other option that would help you.Ways to avoid it:
1)Spell absorb
2)Some ranged atacks
3)Thats a low range spell.When you`ll cast it i`ll dance for 8 secs,You tripped for 30,Means 22 secs.Kabyum all over your face baby.
Sorry mate-1 barb can get most of sorcys.Spell absorb surely help,But even it is not a must.All you need to have is a brustly 700 HP or over/Evasion,afew immunetys,And a decent DPS.
not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but its called quicken and mass charm, persuasion, and grease....
great fun.
or if going bad, teleport or ddoor to confuse them
Cannon fodder build The Stalwart Defender, Raid Tank
Worst Shroud PUG EVER!!!!!! Epic Fail (started 1/13/10, necro'd 3/9/10, 4/20/10, raised dead 3/ 9/11, necro'd 4/9/11, 5/28/11, fame petition necro 8/5/11, necro'd 9/30/11, KIA 10/3/11, True reincarnated famed (by cleric Cordovan) 10/4/11,
Are these 300 barbarians from Sparta?
This thread is irrelevant to my interests however, yes a level 20 sorc can kill 300 level 1 barbs in one round.
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"Your 'Gin n' tonic Futon Brain' cyborg implants sure make you smart!" ~ Seraphita, Element of Fire