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  1. #1
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Cool Schemes Elite Security Door optional crushed

    The new quests aren't particularly hard to complete..

    But they got a few optionals which are very challenging.. This is hardest one:

    Same thing I did with nick on lamannia, but it prooved even harder on live, as with the ~80+ enemies running around we counted.. The server couldnt handle it ,and it lagged us out to a stand still, all the mobs appeared to be standing still, yet we were still taking massive damage and couldnt move ourself at some points.

    So heh yea here's some pics of why it is extremely hard without a bard:
    So many hounds!
    That hurts!
    Can you count them all?

    But we got Jerorocker for our next try and he made it easy:
    Complete (It ends when the titan appears)

    Quest completion, 60 min total.

    Still a lot of kills with things facinate (300+) but we did it with fairly minimal resource use.

    Thanks to Twoheals and Jero for keeping me alive and buffed while I let out my insane rampage against the construct hordes.. I got a video clip i might put up shortly too.

    So yea if your looking for a challenge inthe new quests.. Attack the security door on elite, its fun And for an extreme challenge: 6 man grp, no bard (harder with 6 imo)

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Nice job.

    What did you get a grazing hit on with 12+62?

  3. #3
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkRea View Post
    Nice job.

    What did you get a grazing hit on with 12+62?
    Boss.. Peacemaker <advanced prototype canon>, over 75AC with red alert. Takes quite a long time to kill with just 3.

    We kept it to yellow for a while, but eventually angered a few too many hounds.

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