Since you still can't buy +4 tomes, so there is still a lootable option and you can't buy your way to "perfection"
Since you still can't buy +4 tomes, so there is still a lootable option and you can't buy your way to "perfection"
Homer: "Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen."
Pretty easy choice imho.
If +3 unbound tomes become as prevalent on the AH as +2 tomes are then all is good.
If they are super rare non-raid drops then no.
If they are raid drops only then no.
To sum it up, I believe store items should be fairly easy to obtain in game with a bit of work. Tomes are too important to many builds to allow them to be restricted that way. It is entirely cool to restrict certain things to the skilled (raids). It is entirely uncool to restrict them to the rich or the skilled.
There is very little in the game that will actually "break" a character in this game, selling plus 3 tomes is just another power creep that detracts from current raid loot.
If you are playing the game to enjoy it then I'm sure plus 2 tomes covers anything your toon needs unless someone can explain to me why they need a +3 tome to enjoy their game as a "casual" gamer.
Raid-only, bound, items should not be sold in the DDO Store.
If the +3 Tomes in-game go Unbound first, and/or Unbound +3 Tomes start dropping from normal chests first, then ok. But not before.
Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)
Since I've started playing, I pulled my self 4 or 5 +3 tomes only, and that spreed across all toons. It's a rare item, and it's simply diminished by the way you can now bribe yourself some at will. It's not about getting a potential extra point to a stat, it's about the glory of pulling a rare item, not just pulling out your credit card.
The more the items we strive for are being made available through the store, the less we have a sense of satisfaction when pulled in-game.
A flaw in your poll is this. You forgot about the indifferents, so if you take ~1/4 of the ~4000 views (this is just guessing)
There are ~1000 people who don't care either way.
Turbine is going to do what Turbine is going to do, Buy it, Boycott it, whatever.
Originally I was leaning towards no, but with Tolero's recent post hinting that +3 tomes will be available in other ways, I am switching to a tentative yes. If +3 tomes become available as unbound loot in high level quests/epics, and +4s appear in more high end raids, with maybe even +5s in epic raids, well then, +3s in the store doesn't bother me at all.
Leader of Lost Legions
A big NO to this from me.
Dear OP, please modify your topic summary to include counts of those who think it should be up to Turbine. I believe that some people have forgotten that best practices are realized as the direct result of trial and error, and to assume that Turbine has some kind of ability or responsibility to get everything right the first time is terribly unrealistic. These kinds of people have led sheltered lives without realizing how sheltered they are, and I would consider it a grave error for Turbine to make decisions that affect the entire community based on the personal preferences of a few spoiled individuals.
This seems like it makes sense, but really doesn't. DDO is INTENTIONALLY alienating a large percentage of marketshare withs its very foundation, and admittedly so. It does not aspire to be WOW or EQ3.
Alienating marketshare is a good thing sometimes. Ask the people at NetJets, or The Waldof-Astoria or Hubert Keller if they regret not appealing to a broader base of consumers. I bet Bill Gates told Steve Jobs, "Steve, buddy, you don't wanna split with me to make a marketshare alienating product...".
Elitism is why people play PvE games in the first place - you want to play your way to the best geared, most powerful enjoyable character you can. Somebody that can't/doesn't play as often or well as you having better gear SHOULD make you upset, imo.
^^ What he said.
Amriell - Amriel-1 - Artaym - Belzarr - Cyriane - Thalaristron