It's another promise broken. Not that there worth much anyways.
Someone should dig up the interview on youtube where fernando specificly talks about the store and how raidloot would always be better.
It's another promise broken. Not that there worth much anyways.
Someone should dig up the interview on youtube where fernando specificly talks about the store and how raidloot would always be better.
Do I think it's a good idea? No
Am I going to buy one? Maybe
I've never bought a +2 tome or other gear from the DDO store, but I do have two toons that could really benefit from some specific +3 tomes.
I kind of feel like a sucker either way, do I pay real money for a virtual shiny, or do I grind content I'm not thrilled about to avoid paying what I make in 15 minutes at work? I guess I have to decide what kind of chump I want to be...
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Godscraft / Godcraft / Millusia / Judet / Vvi - Orien
Proud memeber of The Matrix
Actually, I hope someone does, as I would really like to see this.
I constantly see this word "promise" tossed around, and mind you, after several MMO, I hold very little value into what people say they were Promised, vs what was said to be "Hoped For" or "We would like".
So, at this point I would really appreciate it if someone could validate that this was in fact a promise, or if it is just another forumite myth.
They need to introduce +3 tomes into random drops of high level quests along with +5 tomes for me to commit to a yes.
However, I'm not commiting to a no :P
The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular
Personally don't care if others will buy any tomes but I am definitely purchasing a dex +3 for my monk. He has 209 shroud completions and never-to-TR. Yes, thats 10 "20th". I admit that first time I probably didn't check for tomes and picked up the cleansing essences but every single one after that I was looking for that tome, and it wasn't there. I believe on completion 160 or 140 I had ALL OTHER +3 TOMES but dexHe is a dark monk and dex is not that essential for his abilities, especially in end-game, but the 209 Shroud number is just irritating.
Weather or not he actaully used the word "promise" is irrelevant.
If the main guy in charge tells us in a official interview that the store is going to be a certain way.. We as the players will hold him to his word as if was a promise. He gets that im sure and wouldnt of said it if that wasn't the definite plan.
So the plan changed. A promise broken.
Perhaps not in the most literal sense, but close enough to alienate a lot of players.
This interview, I have not seen it, I do not care about it but was it before a worldwide enterprise such as WB owned Turbine?
If it was before WB made the purchase then you know exactly why things/promises were changed/broken.
EDIT: Not that it's right but business is business. I am for these to hit the store so I have something to buy. As of right now my points go to Mnemonics, Cakes, and Feat exchange, all of which I can get the benefits in game for cheaper than my RL cash.
Last edited by Zero_Gauge; 09-30-2011 at 12:03 AM.
It means quite a bit to be honest. If no promise was given, then is unjust to say a promise existed. At the end of day, no one wants their words twisted, no one.
As it stands, I am inclined to believe that this Promise I see being propped up, is more a Myth, then anything real or valid.
I would however like to see the actual video, to know for myself. As Assumptions, do provide validity in any direction. I am simply a skeptic on the existence of this Promise.
Can't find the Youtube vid...
Here is an interview with WarCry from 2009 with Fernando and then Lead Developer Kate Piaz. In it we read, "Kate Paiz also emphasized that the store is mainly for convenience and is not a way to 'buy one's way to the top'. Items included in the store are adventure packs, basic weapons/armor, convenience items, and accessories. Kate talked about the fun of being able to buy hair dyes and change her characters on a whim."
Then there is this interview Fernando did with TenTonHammer, where he states (with emphasis added):
Fernando: Just to restate and emphasize some of what Kate just said there, I think the tact that we take with some of those skeptics out there is that we haven’t changed the core of what’s great about DDO today. On the contrary, we’ve worked to make the game better, and everything that we did to the game is optional.
We urge people to give it a try. We were very conscious of the idea to not “sell the endgame.” We’re not selling the loot that you’re questing for. We’re not selling a quick route to level 20. That’s not what’s there.
These things were said back in 2009. Funny how times change, I suppose...
Will I buy any? quite probably depending upon the cost. I took a few months off playing because of school/work and have a small surplus of points available.
Do I think that this is pay to win? Nope. Then again I hardly see what "winning" is in the context of this game. *shrug*
Ulyn-22 Halfling (7rog/7pal/6mnk/2epic) Alyn-19 Helf TR2 (13dru/6mnk/1rng) Glyn-20 Halfling Cleric
Ylyn-20 Drow (18brd/2ftr/2rog) Klyn-12 WF Wizard
My vote for +3 tomes is NO.
The introduction of +1 and +2 tomes was different because they were common in game, but +3 tomes are only available by doing raids, which are end game content.
Good find (too bad I can't rep you again Mem), untill they explain the reasons behind this change of policy, I consider this a broken promise as well.
Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
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Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
Retired Crew: Zazumi
Yes, as long as this is temporary and no +4 tome will be sold
yes plz! i think this great idea. they should add raid loot too since its only for a limited time. another reeson i think it good idea is cuz the raids are impossible to do now so they should just sell the loot instead its really win/win.
Snarfity snarfly snarf.
No. Totally big no.
I dont have any +3 tomes on my toon, but that's it.
Its something rare, something a lot of people want.
How +4 tomes will be so great, if +3 will be in DDO Store? Its only 1 more...
For 2 more i can fight, but placing +3 in Store is giving a big chance for people who have a lot of money.
To not so far away DDo was game, when u can pay or play a little more and get the same.
But I play game for 1 year now, and Im doing epics pretty often, and never saw any +3 tome drop.
How is it fair now, when someone play a year and cant have it, and someone else just rolled to DDO and can buy a tome?
+2 tomes u can not so difficult collect while playing or earn pp to buy them on auctioner. But with +3 it just wouldnt be fair.
I can accept "pay to not farm one quest so much" or "pay to not play month to get it".
But i cant accept "pay to earn what people playing a year didnt see with their eyes". Its like "pay to win".
BTW i love this dramaDDO Forums never dissapoint me...