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  1. #41
    Community Member GentlemanAndAScholar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by furbyoats View Post
    Also, being able to bump a 41 necro DC to a 42 is a pretty big deal when it comes to end game content (numbers randomly selected). If they want more +3 tomes in the market, then increase drop rates in the raids, not drop rates in the store.
    The problem is having +3 tomes as raid loot to begin with. They could've been added to loot tables as a rare item (think shield/ tomepages /dragon scales pieces system, for instance) that way you could eventually collect whatever is needed, go to a barterbox/NPC and choose whatever tome you wish. However, instead we were forced to run a raid 40-60 times before getting a chance for +3 tome that's actually useful to the character. After years of grinding away in this game, to be honest, depending on RL $ price of course, I would've opted for maybe trying 20 Reavers/Shrouds and then buy one off them store if I didn't get the one my toon needs. But makes no sense to expect all players to repeat the same raid they've already completed hundreds of times (literally) so they can get a shot to an elusive +3 tome (to a secondary stat think +3 INT for an AC build). Not everyone has the same amount of free time to play DDO. And when they play DDO they might want to do something else other than grinding away old raids.

    As for they breaking their word not to sell raid loot in the store, absolutely agree. I think that's something everyone can agree is an old-fashioned moldy cheese ball.
    Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
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  2. #42
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    there are already threads about this. plus, a dev has posted that +3 tomes will find there way into other loot tables. combined with turbines need to generate revenue via the ddostore, this has become a non-issue
    /in before the lock/merge

  3. #43
    Community Member BoBo2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterling View Post
    Once Turbine sees that +3 tomes will be popular, they will gradually put better and better things on the Turbine Store. How would you like "Super Veteran" status? Start your characters at level 8!
    I would totally buy Super Veteran status.
    Level 8 Rawks!
    You could start with 1 prestige class and a 2 level splash.


  4. #44
    Community Member GentlemanAndAScholar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoBo2020 View Post
    I would totally buy Super Veteran status.
    Level 8 Rawks!
    You could start with 1 prestige class and a 2 level splash.
    That's because you haven't heard of Inverse Veteran Status yet. Players start at lvl1, however, once they reach lvl 12, boom they're capped at 20.
    Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
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  5. #45
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GentlemanAndAScholar View Post
    The problem is having +3 tomes as raid loot to begin with. They could've been added to loot tables as a rare item (think shield/ tomepages /dragon scales pieces system, for instance) that way you could eventually collect whatever is needed, go to a barterbox/NPC and choose whatever tome you wish. However, instead we were forced to run a raid 40-60 times before getting a chance for +3 tome that's actually useful to the character. After years of grinding away in this game, to be honest, depending on RL $ price of course, I would've opted for maybe trying 20 Reavers/Shrouds and then buy one off them store if I didn't get the one my toon needs. But makes no sense to expect all players to repeat the same raid they've already completed hundreds of times (literally) so they can get a shot to an elusive +3 tome (to a secondary stat think +3 INT for an AC build). Not everyone has the same amount of free time to play DDO. And when they play DDO they might want to do something else other than grinding away old raids.

    As for they breaking their word not to sell raid loot in the store, absolutely agree. I think that's something everyone can agree is an old-fashioned moldy cheese ball.
    Completely agree with you that a different system would be preferable.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  6. #46
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    Default Duh!

    If turbine DONT get more $$$ they WONT make the game better...

    true neutral poster... note the grey in my 'rep'
    kool-aid in my coffee! YEAH!
    {save me from myself}

  7. #47
    Community Member Bain-Deathtouch's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=furbyoats;4109155]Completely agree with you that a different system would be preferable.[/QUOTE

    also toastee the Video hit the nail on the head for me...
    The model the vid creater suggested is exactly what happened to me, i was f2p when it went live, then became a p2p player.. eventually i became a vip player i could not agree more with everything that was said in the video.
    but i also like the challenge and grinding of raids and hard epic content so keep tomes where they are and keep pots on the store... BTW HJASTE ME TOASTEE then DIE..
    Githyankii Proud member of IA

  8. #48
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EarthFirst View Post
    If turbine DONT get more $$$ they WONT make the game better...

    I'm going to assume that you didn't watch the Escapist video.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  9. #49
    Community Member kingarthas87's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EarthFirst View Post
    if they get more $$$ they will make the game better
    So with that logic, you would continue to go cr@ppy resturant with even cr@appier customer service and hoping the money you spend there will make the food and service better.

    This game has been on a downward spiral for a while now with every update buggier then the last. U11 should be renamed 'Rise of Pay to Win.'

    If you enjoying eating turd sandwiches and is willing to pay for it more power to you. I for one iam done with this game and will log on only to help guildies and friends. Come 12/20 i will never be logging on again.

  10. #50
    Community Member The_Mud_Man's Avatar
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    Things like this is why I just cancelled my subscription.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingarthas87 View Post
    Come 12/20 i will never be logging on again.
    many will dip out on that date to play star wars... lets see if turbine can upset enough folks to actually kill their game by then. even money odds atm

  12. #52
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    You're all very much right!! Now with the introduction of +3 tome my lvl20 wizard with +2 tomes on all the important stats and the best gear I can get for her at the moment is TOTALLY useless. I will have to go back to Zelda and SonicIII. Thanks Turbine for making all the work I've done all this time for nothing. All the fun and good times I have had are all gone and it was all a waiste.The friends I've made and the people I have met on this game are all gone. The only way Turbine can repay me for my time and money is to shut down the store and never sell anything that might seem like it makes the game fun or easy for anyone.


  13. #53


    I don't think selling +3 tome will ruin the game. +3 tome improves your character but won't make it overpowered. if they sell most high end epic raid loots in DDO store, it may change the way we play as people won't spend time in grinding any more.

    when I have more time than $ relatively, it's good that there are rare raid loot that can be obtained only with time so I could differentiate my character. but when I have more $ than time relatively, I don't really want to spend my valuable game time to grind +3 tome that I can pay for. For some quests, I run them only for the chance to get a +3 tome in every 20 times. Now I don't need to spend the time to repeat those quests. this improves the quality of my game time.

    for many new players, i believe it's not very easy for them to grind +3 tome even if they are willing to spend the time. Selling +3 tome could provide them a way to build better characters that encourage them to continue playing the game.

    in general, i think it's good for Turbine to make more $ so they could sustain and improve the game. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  14. #54
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    And to come...

    Level 20 characters - 2,500 points
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    I continue to agree that you should be able to lazily by success in DDO but then again for me that started way back when 32 point builds were addd to the DDO store. The thought was then by players in favor of it "why should I have to earn it via running quests", if "I want to pay for it I should be allowed". I am sure that some have the same thoughts about +1, +2, +3 and soon why not +4 tomes. Oh and don't forget starting in 2012 DDO offers +5 tomes only available in the DDO store.
    Last edited by shores11; 10-01-2011 at 04:50 AM.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  15. #55
    Community Member GentlemanAndAScholar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddoer View Post
    Long time no see! Glad to see you are still playing salade.
    Coldflame | Toord and many horrible experiments.
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  16. #56
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hannabal03 View Post
    You're all very much right!! Now with the introduction of +3 tome my lvl20 wizard with +2 tomes on all the important stats and the best gear I can get for her at the moment is TOTALLY useless. I will have to go back to Zelda and SonicIII. Thanks Turbine for making all the work I've done all this time for nothing. All the fun and good times I have had are all gone and it was all a waiste.The friends I've made and the people I have met on this game are all gone. The only way Turbine can repay me for my time and money is to shut down the store and never sell anything that might seem like it makes the game fun or easy for anyone.

    so....using a +3 tome made your wizard useless? me no thinky you get point thread this here in guy.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  17. #57
    Community Member Bain-Deathtouch's Avatar
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    I think the OP's point wasnt that +3 tomes in and of themselves are a danger to game play or balance. Its that +3 tomes are raid loot achieved through grinding and perserverance that being said where would it stop. Would +4 tomes be ok to get on the ddo store how bout get lucky random generated sands scrolls just 800 tp's
    only thing is u might buy 10 before u got a decent one, or how bout epic shards and seals now available for a limited time from jan1 through jan30 just 2000tp for a seal or shard of your choice.

    Like the video the op posted said and i stand behind wholeheartedly is DO NOT SELL POWER under any situation
    again +3 tomes are not that powerful but where does it stop if people make these good sellers who wouldnt want to buy a +4 tome or epic ingredients. my money spent 15$ every month is being spent so i have the oppritunity to try and acheive all the things this game has to offer, not to be able to spend my tp on things that can be gained through questing and perserverance...
    Grind it out u might make some new friends and become a better player for it.
    just my two cents.
    Githyankii Proud member of IA

  18. #58
    The Hatchery Tiseria's Avatar
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    um... I did'nt know there was anything to win...or an end to this game.. lol @ teh drama. Like you get a huge trophy, your picture on a wall and a membership to a special high zoot resort after TOD. And the ability to buy a +3 tome totally compromises that. Rule #1 in life, it's all about the money, if you don't believe rule #1 you are dumb and stupid.. or stupid and dumb.

    It is'nt free to run this game. The bill for the server services and maintaining I'm sure is impressive.
    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    Roses are red; violets are blue.
    You grinded a tome, and I bought two!

  19. #59
    Community Member furbyoats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiseria View Post
    um... I did'nt know there was anything to win...or an end to this game.. lol @ teh drama. Like you get a huge trophy, your picture on a wall and a membership to a special high zoot resort after TOD. And the ability to buy a +3 tome totally compromises that. Rule #1 in life, it's all about the money, if you don't believe rule #1 you are dumb and stupid.. or stupid and dumb.

    It is'nt free to run this game. The bill for the server services and maintaining I'm sure is impressive.
    your insight is impressive.
    Toastee McRoastybuns - Shinigamii - Theifing Slum - Bakabaka - Salsasnack - Tssst The Dog Whisperer
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  20. #60
    Community Member Bain-Deathtouch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiseria View Post
    um... I did'nt know there was anything to win...or an end to this game.. lol @ teh drama. Like you get a huge trophy, your picture on a wall and a membership to a special high zoot resort after TOD. And the ability to buy a +3 tome totally compromises that. Rule #1 in life, it's all about the money, if you don't believe rule #1 you are dumb and stupid.. or stupid and dumb.

    It is'nt free to run this game. The bill for the server services and maintaining I'm sure is impressive.
    how bout u find a way to keep your players here that spend money monthly on this game instead of pushing them farther and farther away... bugs, poor content updates, terrible pvp, are just a few things they could fix to get people to spend money not sell raid loot. I think that u have missed the point.
    Githyankii Proud member of IA

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