The problem is having +3 tomes as raid loot to begin with. They could've been added to loot tables as a rare item (think shield/ tomepages /dragon scales pieces system, for instance) that way you could eventually collect whatever is needed, go to a barterbox/NPC and choose whatever tome you wish. However, instead we were forced to run a raid 40-60 times before getting a chance for +3 tome that's actually useful to the character. After years of grinding away in this game, to be honest, depending on RL $ price of course, I would've opted for maybe trying 20 Reavers/Shrouds and then buy one off them store if I didn't get the one my toon needs. But makes no sense to expect all players to repeat the same raid they've already completed hundreds of times (literally) so they can get a shot to an elusive +3 tome (to a secondary stat think +3 INT for an AC build). Not everyone has the same amount of free time to play DDO. And when they play DDO they might want to do something else other than grinding away old raids.
As for they breaking their word not to sell raid loot in the store, absolutely agree. I think that's something everyone can agree is an old-fashioned moldy cheese ball.