Today I'm going to tell you couple of things about dungeon resetting.
If you failed your quest, or if you're farming a single chest, or named spawn, you will want your dungeon restored to original starting position once in a while, for example if you need that one last named in wilderness area, or if you're farming easy and fast to get chest.
To have your dungeon resetted, you must wait 5 minutes, while all party members are out of quest, or leave your team. This is what is called reform- when everyone drops party, and party leader puts LFM with reform in describtion, and/or reinvites everyone. After this actions, dungeon is resetted, and farming can continue.
But if you're alone, basically you need to get to party and leave it to have dungeon reset.
You can ask guilde/friend, use hireling or LFM panel.
Joining someone's team just to have instance reset is usually considered rude, and may even end up in tells flame war and/or squelch.
Usually, for a single reset, most of people put up LFM saying 'reset my dungeon plz' or something like this, and after someone joins, they say hi, ty, drop team instantly, and put LFM down.
If someone is doing solo farming, he/she will probably put LFM with appropriate describtion, and will not bother to take it down, until he/she is done farming, because it would interrupt his quest (and can even lead to death) and because of need for putting LFM up/down all the time.
So next time, if you'll see
in LFM, its someone solo farming some dungeon. If you need to reset your dungeon, or want to help fellow player, feel free to join, but don't send tells as they won't get replied, or even readed.
But now, as you should know what is up in this kind of LFMs, you don't need to ask about it anymore