This is a rather simple question: Will there be more Rune-Arms made available through non-adventure pack quests. As it stands there are only two runearms (the Thought spike and Flame Warden) which can be obtained by anyone without adventure packs, both of which are tier 2. The rest are gained through adventure packs, usually as a end reward. This means players who can not afford adventure packs, and who likely had to grind like heck just to get the artificer to begin with, will likely never get any other runearms. And as these runearms are stuck at tier 2 they decrease in utility as the artificer reaches end game.
Before anyone gets up in arms or starts name calling, I am not asking Turbine to make any changes to the current runearms and how they are obtained. I am simply asking if they will only be obtainable through Adventure packs or if there will be more, higher tier runearms that will be available through non-adventure pack quests; that is all. Given that there is a RuneArm tab in the auction house I am lead to believe that there will be more rune arms brought in later updates that can be traded, though all runearms so far are BTC.
On a related note: why is it that the sharn syndicate quest chain is the only one without a runearm end reward? Just asking because it seems odd.