Hit join on Ferrumrym.
Leader: dps correct?
Me: have decent DPS, but set-up to main tank or off-tank
Leader: ooking at you on myddo. Your set up as more dps than tank. if you want to do dps. sure. otherwise no ty
Me: i run around with around 74 AC before buffs and without Combat Expertise on; i've tanked elite even before DoS got a +20% HP boost
if you want me to tank, ill come along, otherwise ill pass
Leader: good luck & have a nice day
Me: ok, im curious now...what exactly are you looking for in a tank? im not coming on your run now anyway, but im curious
Leader: your to worried about your strenght at a 33 over your constition. clearly statingyour dps. better to have dex and con than strenght (dex for reflex saves and con for hp). Especially on a Pally. Best choice is Levikk's defender since..
it has a chance to proc a heal. meaning mitigating a healer's sp and saving it for others
Me: HAHAHAHA!!!! 750+ HP is more than enough, even for elite. 640 before U11 was enough
Leader: 'needless to say your gear looks like a poster child for *shinies* instead of gear for a tank
Should probably note that the guy in question is an 18 ranger/1 cleric/1 rogue with under 400 HP. And hasn't had more than 4 people in his LFM for 20 minutes.