It's eminently beatable, and am sure some people are beating it right now, but hey, I took a screenshot. The 222 streak was comprised of
Literally every quest on elite up to and including level 16 quests with the exceptions of:
-Von 5
-Von 6
-ADQ 2
-Titan Part 2 (Unsure of technical name, but did do the pre-raid on elite at level thanks to the help of better players than myself. Yours truly messing up on the laser ensured no one in the group got this one.)
-Desert Caravan (because I hate it and still haven't done it)
-Delirium (Because it's closed)
Side note: Don't miss the 3 Threnal wilderness area quests! They do contribute to a streak despite not being in the quest log!
So a 228 at this point would be possible (with 32 to go I think? so 260 being the actual max possible in the game at this point).
I'm ending it now because everything has started looking really darn hard on elite at level and given I'm only solo or pugging getting to 20 while maintaining the streak would be unenjoyable. Especially since I wouldn't even get the joy of completing a perfect streak.
I'm off to run Acute Delirium on normal, or maybe a shroud if a pug is up. Sweet freedom!