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Thread: Healings easy

  1. #41
    Community Member ToKu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrankVulcan View Post
    People blame "overpowered" Dots for a Con based character's success . Two things wrong with this.

    1) Dots have NOT made Casters that much more powerful. People seem to misunderstand the concept. Without dots Healings and the rest of the Con based casters would do the exact same thing with Searing Lights or Cometfall. It would just take longer.

    2) When Healings 1-mans ToD..... does he have a better shot at loot? Can he finish the raid faster by himself? Did he somehow ruin the game for others? Nope. What he did was rise and meet the tougher challenges that this game has to offer. How is this overpowered?
    I kinda beg to differ here. I have been seeing a pattern of having more divines in raids because dots are viable damage and having more healing power is never bad if your not sacrificing DPS for it.

    Ran a Abbot yesterday where the mentality was "so long as the divines stay alive and dotting we win." And it worked.

    Its nice that I am able to do more in a raid then just heal/rez/buff bot it BUT when it becomes better or at the least, no different to bring too many divines because you dont lose much DPS there is a problem. Maybe change the dot to 2 stack? I kinda like how a maximized/empowered single cast will kill most single target trash so I would hate to see the spell do less damage per tick but I do think the 3 stack crit ticks are pretty insane.
    Last edited by ToKu; 10-02-2011 at 03:26 AM.
    D.W.A.T - Thelanis
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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrankVulcan View Post
    Just as much/Little skill as using Firewall, Polar Ray, Chain lightning, or Meteor Swarm.
    Well actually, if you want to use firewall, chain lightning and meteor swarm efficiently, there is some skill involved in that. Don't really know how you could make single target dot more efficient on a divine by playing well, maybe someone can enlighten me.

  3. #43
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viisari View Post
    Well actually, if you want to use firewall, chain lightning and meteor swarm efficiently, there is some skill involved in that. Don't really know how you could make single target dot more efficient on a divine by playing well, maybe someone can enlighten me.
    Dude don't you know it's not just hitting your key for DP? You gotta hold down 'shift' at the same time too!

    Just kidding

    @ OP what would you get if you had another feat (one of my FvS is Human)? Another Toughness? Extend? Something else?

  4. #44
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    next best feat is completionist, after that is toughness.
    the right way to stop the "lets just bring 12 divines" problem is to pump up melee dps to be better than fvs dps. nerfing fvs dps is dumb because then they go back to just healbots during boss fights, which is a boring game.
    a tribe called zerg, cannith: healings, oozesniffer, krushinator, oxidize, kwanzaabot, eltonjohnbot
    Solo: tod normal, vod elite, adq2 epic, vod normal at level 18. all with no pots. my build

  5. #45
    Community Member ShadowFlash's Avatar
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    IF there must be an adjustment, I would rather it be lowering the base damage to 1d4, Remove the CL20 Cap, and keep the no-save aspect. This would be congruent with all the no-save arcane DoT's. This would also reward "pure" builds AND make the grind for items that boost CL essential to achieve maximum damage. Right now there is zero incentive to make any but a few needed items on any divine build. In fact, it is completely possible for a 13 level cleric splash to obtain near equal divine punishment damage to a pure level 20 divine.

  6. #46
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Don't really know how you could make single target dot more efficient on a divine by playing well, maybe someone can enlighten me.
    Maintaining stacks with perfect timing requires skill, and even then it often fails. In situations like eVoN6, if Velah decides to breath when your stack is at 5 seconds, you either have to let the stack fail, or refresh it really early, which wastes a ton of your SP efficiency (and the spell has horrendous efficiency to begin with).

    It frequently occurs that suddenly you need to throw a heal RIGHT NOW, when your stack is about to expire, and does expire. One of many reasons why the DP whine brigade is so totally wrong about this spell.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    refresh it really early, which wastes a ton of your SP efficiency (and the spell has horrendous efficiency to begin with).
    Did you say that Divine Punishment has bad SP efficiency? As in hitpoints per spellpoint? Have you seen the efficiency of any other spell a Cleric can use to DPS a boss?

    Searing Light is 4 hp/sp, Harm is 2.9, and Divine Punishment is 10, or 30 when triple-stacked.

  8. #48
    Community Member Tirisha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raoull View Post
    The real power behind the insane solo abilities of casters isn't SLAs, Wings, or DoTs, or what have you.

    It's the Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II, plain and simple. I can't think of another piece of gear that holds a candle to it, power wise. It is the font from which the "Casters are too powerful" opinions flow, even of those people don't realize it.

    Lets see someone solo something impressive without a Torc (and no pots, of course). If you can solo ToD without a Torc, that would be really something. (Mind you... soloing it with a Torc is pretty impressive too.) At that point, I imagine AC melee toons (like those that have solo'd VoD) will start being comparable in their abilities, if not greater in their solo achievements, than casters.

    (This is from some one who solos plenty, and works the living bajesus out of my Torc....)
    The torc only really shines in solo play, in normal grouping/questing your not taking enough hits to get it to proc all your sp back. Even against epic Lailiat the torc can't fill your SP nearly as fast as you spend it while healing a bunched group.

    I hardly notice it procing on my Divine who lives in melee and the better the group CC/DPS the less I'll notice it.
    Real life is a worse grind than any MMO.
    Tirisha 25 FVS, Aierian 25 MNK, Girltank 18 FTR/ 2PALLY/5 EPIC, Seidra 25 SORC, Wikka 20 WIZ, Kylexi 20 PALLY, Stephony 20 Bard

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by samdsherman View Post
    nerfing fvs dps is dumb because then they go back to just healbots during boss fights, which is a boring game.
    Have you ever played an evoker? Heck, have you ever even seen one? Because you sound like you have no clue what an evoker is capable of, divine punishment or no divine punishment.

    The first person to solo ToD was a favored soul evoker, there was no divine punishment back then.

    And putting a save to all dots doesn't really nerf the dps, it encourages team play and debuffing. If those are lacking, then yeah, in that case it does nerf the dps.

  10. #50
    Community Member freekay's Avatar
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    Could we please move away from 'nerf this' and 'overpowered that'? The OP posted a build. Given the current game mechanics, this build is one that is extremely viable for both solo and group play.

    This section of the forums is for builds to be posted and rated, not for people to cry about big bad Turbine. Swing your nerf bats elsewhere.

    Oh and Viisari, you personally irk me; sounding like one of those whiny kids that must have their way, or else they go and stomp around whilst holding their breath. Do us all a favor and chill out.

    I don't like Ooze very much, but he's damned good player with damned good toons.


    Soaked/Soaking/Zecks/Zeckshealer - Cannith
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  11. #51
    Community Member pHo3nix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viisari View Post
    The first person to solo ToD was a favored soul evoker, there was no divine punishment back then.
    How many pots?

    I think we all agree that fvs are great even without DP. The only problem is that in groups during a boss fight you were just a nanny, cause noone let you kite the boss through bb, and i don't think comet fall and searing light are really sp efficient.

    DP is just an efficient way to use your sp against single target. As i said, add more efficient spells to the divine spell list and you'll see that DP will be used less
    Cannith: Hazrael--Nyal--Thalax

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirisha View Post
    The torc only really shines in solo play, in normal grouping/questing your not taking enough hits to get it to proc all your sp back. Even against epic Lailiat the torc can't fill your SP nearly as fast as you spend it while healing a bunched group.

    I hardly notice it procing on my Divine who lives in melee and the better the group CC/DPS the less I'll notice it.
    If you get archerers aggro you can get tons of SP back. I did an eDQ where I got back ~500 mana in the ~7 minutes of the laitat fight
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by freekay View Post
    Could we please move away from 'nerf this' and 'overpowered that'? The OP posted a build. Given the current game mechanics, this build is one that is extremely viable for both solo and group play.

    This section of the forums is for builds to be posted and rated, not for people to cry about big bad Turbine. Swing your nerf bats elsewhere.

    Oh and Viisari, you personally irk me; sounding like one of those whiny kids that must have their way, or else they go and stomp around whilst holding their breath. Do us all a favor and chill out.
    Ah, but it's very relevant, because divine punishment is pretty much *THE* reason this build works. Yes, it's good for soloing some stuff in the current situation, it's horrible for groups though. And it's not even good for soloing all epics, I want to see this build solo eDA for example, I'm pretty sure that you just simply cannot do that on a build like this. Evokers are very much capable of that.

    I have a fully geared wizard, and run with excellent arcanes and divines quite a bit, so I know very well how powerful dots are currently. That is, they are way too powerful for their cost. This is in addition to all other ridiculous stuff arcanes and divines are capable of.

    Even if I didn't wish for change, I suspect that it's something that is bound to happen at some point by Turbines own will. Maybe I'm wrong on this one, but I very much doubt it.

    Quote Originally Posted by pHo3nix View Post
    How many pots?

    I think we all agree that fvs are great even without DP. The only problem is that in groups during a boss fight you were just a nanny, cause noone let you kite the boss through bb, and i don't think comet fall and searing light are really sp efficient.

    DP is just an efficient way to use your sp against single target. As i said, add more efficient spells to the divine spell list and you'll see that DP will be used less
    Many, but I think it's pretty ridiculous someone is able to solo it at all, and much more ridiculous that someone is able to do it without any resources spent. Yes the game needs more spells, but that doesn't mean that DP, eladar's and niac's aren't all horribly OP currently.

  14. #54
    Community Member pHo3nix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viisari View Post
    Many, but I think it's pretty ridiculous someone is able to solo it at all, and much more ridiculous that someone is able to do it without any resources spent. Yes the game needs more spells, but that doesn't mean that DP, eladar's and niac's aren't all horribly OP currently.
    I do not agree that soloing should require more resources, it already requires more time and skills, and you need to get hit to let torc and conc opp do their job, and for this to be efficient you need a cheap self-healing option, otherwise you are going to spend more sp healing yourself than the ones you got back (ie a wf fvs is way less efficient than a human fvs or cleric)

    Anyway dots are really useful only in some situations, ie boss fights and some epic mobs; for the rest of the game there is always something better (and faster) to use
    Cannith: Hazrael--Nyal--Thalax

  15. #55
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Did you say that Divine Punishment has bad SP efficiency? As in hitpoints per spellpoint? Have you seen the efficiency of any other spell a Cleric can use to DPS a boss?
    No, I haven't. But I knew they were bad too.

    Searing Light is 4 hp/sp, Harm is 2.9, and Divine Punishment is 10, or 30 when triple-stacked.
    A triple stack is what, 225 SP? Obviously the overall efficiency depends on when you refresh. If you do it at 8 seconds, then your efficiency plummets through the floor. If you wait until 1-2 seconds, then the efficiency is a lot more tolerable, but your overall DPS is horrendous. Just more reasons why this spell is not overpowered.

    Being the least inefficient choice among several bad choices does not make DP suddenly a model of efficiency. Not compared to something like Polar Ray. Now, I'm by no means asking for a divine Polar Ray, but when you compare the damage per SP spent, DP severely lacks.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    Being the least inefficient choice among several bad choices does not make DP suddenly a model of efficiency. Not compared to something like Polar Ray. Now, I'm by no means asking for a divine Polar Ray, but when you compare the damage per SP spent, DP severely lacks.
    Polar Ray is 6.6 hp/sp, while Divine Punishment is 10.4 to start, and 31.3 when stacked.

    Anyway, the one divine damage spell whose efficiency can seriously be called broken is Harm. All other single-target damage spells got a big cost reduction (such as Polar Ray and Disintegrate), but Harm did not, apparently on the theory that you might use it to help a Pale Master. But that's no excuse to leave Harm so pitiful for offensive purposes.

  17. #57
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    i can solo eDA, i've gotten to wave 5 then got distracted when all my gear started breaking. i havent tried that many times because its a really long boring quest, but i will beat it eventually.
    a tribe called zerg, cannith: healings, oozesniffer, krushinator, oxidize, kwanzaabot, eltonjohnbot
    Solo: tod normal, vod elite, adq2 epic, vod normal at level 18. all with no pots. my build

  18. #58
    Community Member scottmike0's Avatar
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    I wonder IF a fvs can reach 727 with just a 23 con base
    can it still be efficient
    if you - 4 con
    so then
    18 + 1 power level
    rest would be wisdom
    = Win?

    8 str
    8 -0
    18 (16 points)
    12 int (4 points)
    16 wisdom (10 points)
    10 cha (2 points)
    Total = 32 points
    Hmmm i wonder if this would work
    Last edited by scottmike0; 10-23-2011 at 11:37 PM.

  19. #59
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    not sure what your question is but i can reach 727 hp and i dont have every gear yet
    a tribe called zerg, cannith: healings, oozesniffer, krushinator, oxidize, kwanzaabot, eltonjohnbot
    Solo: tod normal, vod elite, adq2 epic, vod normal at level 18. all with no pots. my build

  20. #60
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    Hi, I'm a returning player with a pretty undergeared 20 FvS. I was wondering which pieces of gear should i get before trying to make this build. I basically want to just solo elites as a way to level. Is just torc/ concopp really required? I have neither for FvS yet, or anyother good raid gear for that matter, but I do have all the CC gear.Thnx

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