Thnx Samdsherman for posting your build here for us, and instead of most of them thanking you for your addition to the DDO community at large for something that obviously works...
Seems like most have turned your addition of build into a bashing of certain spells.. instead of congratz you, they're are saying nerf this or nerf that, or it wouldn't work without this spell or that spell...
I've run with HEALINGS in TOD and he plays well, has a good toon.. for that matter so do most of his guildies...
and they built them, not for just enjoyment of the game but it also works with the way the game is...
if you want to have a cow over something someone does better or its not the way you think it should be played, then why not go play the way you want to instead of bemoaning the fact he has done a good job..
Personally I like it, wish I had some of the gear already(but still working on it)...and I'll still gladly run with him anytime because I know at the end of the quest, he will still be up and swinging...